5 Claim Management Mistakes Your Practice Could be Making

Claim management isn't the most wanted job in an eyecare practice,
but it's very important in terms of your iStock_000011349701Smallbottom line. Getting reimbursed quickly, without errors or re-submitting claims isn't always a walk in the park, and can be a hard task to manage. With the rise of the Internet in today's modern eyecare practice, electronic claim filing has replaced mail as the standard for submitting claims to payers. But, many practices are sticking to the old ways of doing things because, well, that's just what they're used to.

There are a lot of benefits to online claim management, but not all practices are aware of them. And, for those practices that are already utilizing online claim filing, there are some mistakes that they might still be making that can be avoided.

How Your Practice Will Benefit from Online Claim Management and 5 Mistakes to Avoid

With an online clearninghouse solution for claim management your processing and billing will be more efficient than before. Your staff can access the solution from a web browser, or by uploading claims from a compatible practice management software. Electronic claim filing is going to save your staff time, and your practice money because it:

  • Allows you to manage claims with thousands of payers all in one location without having to visit different sites.
  • Frees up staff time spent on the phone calling payers.
  • Identifies rejected claims quickly so that your biller can fix errors faster.
  • Offers the ability to generate comprehensive reports in seconds.
  • Simplifies remittance balancing and payment reconciliation.

But in order to get the most out of an electronic claim filing solution, you need to know how to use it properly and what mistakes to avoid! That's where our ebook comes in. We lay out all of the details for 5 big mistakes your practice could be making when it comes to filing claims. With the shift to online claim filing there is an entire new set of tools that have real benefits for every practice, you just have to make the most of them! After we get done explaining the 5 mistakes to avoid, we've got a tip sheet that will help you narrow down your options when shopping for a claim filing service. Check it out!

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