Practice Management for Optometrists: 8 Questions to Ask Your Staff


Last Friday was my grandmother’s 83rd birthday party. Since she’s such an avid traveler and online poker player, we decided to get her a tablet so that she could enjoy her games on-the-go. She was so excited when tearing off the wrapping paper, but completely caught off guard when she saw the box. She had no idea what it even was!

Moving forward, we decided to set it up and then teach her how to use it. To our amazement, she didn’t even have an email address!  After much hassle and troubleshooting, I’m glad to say that she is now a proud owner of a tablet and an email address.

Believe it or not, my grandmother’s near tragic story can teach us a valuable lesson when looking for the right practice management for optometrists. Switching your management methods can be exciting, scary, and daring all at the same time! But before you get too ahead of yourself, you’ve got to do your homework first.

Not everyone is on the same page or comfort level when it comes to technology. Take a few minutes and ask your staff how they feel and how comfortable they are when using technology. You may be surprised at the answers you get.

Questions to Ask your Staff Before Looking for a Practice Management for Optometrists

Practice Management for Optometrists

  1. Are you comfortable using a computer?
  2. Are you comfortable learning how to use new software?
  3. Do you have an email address?
  4. Do you know what a tablet is?
  5. Do you check your email on your phone or tablet often?
  6. If computers were to vanish, would you be able to function off a tablet?
  7. Do you know how to get to the Internet? 
  8. Do you know how to bookmark or create a favorites list on your web browser?

These may seem like rather silly questions to be asking, but their answers will give you insight into what kind of practice management solution will work best in your office. For instance, if your staff isn’t very tech-savvy, you may want to look into a solution that is a little more user-friendly and intuitive to provide for a faster learning curve. If your staff is comfortable with technology, they will appreciate a system that is smart and easy to use rather than an outdated, bulky system. 

The staff runs your office; they will be using your practice management system every day. Take a step further and get to know how they feel about technology! It’ll make your life loads easier to know how your staff is going to adapt to the solution. They’ll love you for it in the long run!

To learn even more about the ways to prepare for practice management software shopping, take a look at our eBook!

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