All About Vision is a trusted, unbiased source of optometry-related content written and/or reviewed by eye care practitioners. Their website truly encompasses everything “all about vision,” and strives to educate consumers on eye health and vision correction options.
The website provides an endless pit of knowledge for patients and optometrists alike. To give you a taste of what their website offers, we pulled 3 articles that you should share with your patients through your patient portal or emails.
3 Must-Read Articles From All About Vision
1. Puffy Eyes.png?width=391&name=VisionWeb_BlogBanners%20(2).png)
After a year like 2020, we’ve probably all seen ourselves with a little extra puffiness or dark circles under our eyes from stress or lack of sleep. Whether it’s due to fatigue, genetics, aging, or overconsumption of salt, puffy eyes generally result in a variety of factors. This article covers everything from the causes of puffy eyes, as well as some remedies you can try at home, and when you should seek a doctor.
2. How to Limit Screen Time During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Speaking of 2020, there’s no doubt we’ve been racking up screen time during the pandemic due to the extra hours we’ve spent indoors. All About Vision knows that the coronavirus has changed our lives, and it’s possibly changed our eye health too. How to limit screen time during the coronavirus pandemic, dives into how screen time can be bad for young eyes, and ways you can step away.
3. Visual Acuity: Is “20/20” Perfect Vision?
What is, “perfect vision” anyway? All About Vision takes a closer look to understand this question, and what visual acuity, eyesight, and vision all really mean. Not only this, but they also investigate if it’s possible to see better than 20/20. This article explains vision-related terminology to fully understand how eye doctors measure the quality of your vision. Isn’t it great having real eye care practitioners writing these articles?
Visit All About Vision’s website to read through their library of optometry-related content here: