The Meaningful Use Criteria for ODs Stage 2 Checklist You Need to Read


If you've already attested to Stage 1, then you know that taking advantage of the
Meaningful Use Incentive Program was a positive decision for your practice. You've already had the opportunity to receive payments from the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services. And, the sooner you transition to Stage 2, the more incentives you will receive!

There are a few deadlines and changes you will need to be aware of when it comes to attesting to Stage 2 of Meaningful Use. So, take a look at this checklist to see what you need to do in order to get on your way with meeting all of the Meaningful Use criteria for ODs in Stage 2.

Your Ultimate Stage 2 Checklist of Meaningful Use Criteria for ODs

Meaningful Use criteria for optometrists

1. Figure Out Your Timeline

Just like you lay out your appointments and important events for your personal life on a calendar or white board, it's a good idea to lay out your timeline for adopting the various stages of Meaningful Use. We've even made a nifty chart below just for you. For Stage 1, you got your incentives by attesting after the 90 day reporting period, but don't forget that you have to keep reporting for the following year before you move on to Stage 2. This also means that you cannot attest for multiple stages in the same year. As you can see, the sooner you start, the higher your payment will be, and the more time you'll have with Stage 2. If you don't comply to Meaningful Use by 2015, you will be penalized. So what are you waiting for? Create your plan and get started.

Meaningful Use criteria for optometrists

2. Make Sure Your EHR is 2014 Certified

Many systems became certified in 2011 when the Meaningful Use Incentive Program (Stage 1) began. Stage 2, however, includes new objectives to improve patient care through better clinical decision support, care coordination, and patient engagement. At the start of 2014, certification on the 2011 systems expired, and all systems have to be recertified to meet the 2014 criteria. If you start attesting for Stage 1 before 2014, you may continue using a 2011 certified system to complete your attestaion for Stage 1. But if you're looking to purchase a system, or want to continue using your current system to participate in Stage 2, make sure it's been certified for 2014.

3. Understand the Differences Between Stage 1 & 2

There's some good news. Since you've already registered for the program to attest to Stage 1, you won't need to worry about registering again! But it's important for you to understand the difference between Meaningful Use Stage 1 and Stage 2 to know what you're getting into:

The main focus of Meaningful Use Stage 1 was on data capturing and sharing, which included:

  • Electronically capturing health information in a standardized format
  • Using the information to track key clinical conditions
  • Communicating that information for care coordination processes
  • Initiating the reporting of CQMs and public health information
  • Using information to engage patients and their families in their care

In order to attest to Stage 1 you had to complete:

  • 13 Core Objectives
  • 5 Menu Objectives
  • 6 CQMs

The main focus of Meaningful Use Stage 2 is on advanced clinical processes, which includes:

  • More rigorous HIE
  • Increased requirements for E-Prescribing and incorporating lab results
  • Electronic transmission of patient care summaries across multiple settings
  • More patient-controlled data

In order to attest to Stage 2 you'll need to complete:

  • 17 Core Objectives
  • 3 Menu Objectives
  • 12 CQMs

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