7 Blogs You Missed About Cloud-Based Optical Management Software

optical management softwareWhen talking about the cloud and how it's going to help your eyecare practice and your optical management software you've probably come across a lot of questions. And regardless of whether you're already in the cloud, or if you're thinking about moving to the cloud, there are probably some facts that you're still unsure of. So we wanted to put together a list of resources that you could turn to when it comes to the cloud and the affects if could have on your eyecare practice.

Catch Up with Cloud Computing and Your Optical Management Software

Cloud Computing in Optical: Have You Risen Up?

This will get you started with the basics of the cloud and the affects it will have on your practice. You can browse through the first few pages of our eBook, Rise Up to The Cloud: Cloud Computing in Optical, and download a copy for yourself. Highlights of the eBook include common uses, benefits and common concerns, and the future of cloud computing in Optical. 

4 Ways Cloud Computing in Optical Can Boost Productivity

While moving to the cloud is going to help your practice financially, it's also going to help boost productivity of your staff and increase the efficiency of your workflow. While adjusting to the cloud is going to take a little bit of time for you and your staff, the benefits it will bring to your workflow will help increase everyone's productivity!

How The Cloud is Changing Practice Management Systems for Optometrists

While we know that the cloud is playing a part in big businesses today, do you know exactly how it's playing a role in Optical, and more specifically in your eyecare practice? The cloud is going to help your practice have lower costs, manage less equipment, be accessible from any device, and much more.

Infographic: Cloud Computing 101

If you're a visual learner this is the post for you! We lay out all the hype and details about cloud computing in a fun and easy to read infographic that you and your staff can absorb in as little as two minutes. Did you know that 2/3 of global organizations are planning to adopt cloud technology in the near future? 

cloud computing in optical

A Technology Breakdown of Eyecare Practice Management Software

When it comes to cloud technology, a software can be cloud-hosted or cloud-based. And while the differences may be hard to spot if you aren't too familiar with the cloud, it's important that you know and understand exactly what type of software you're buying and how it could affect your practice.

How a Cloud-Based Practice Management and EHR Optimizes Your Practice

So you're thinking about making the move to the cloud, but you aren't quite convinced yet. Check out these ways that cloud computing is going to optimize your practice when it comes to your practice management and EHR software. 

Quiz: How Well Do You Know Cloud-Based EHR Software

Now that you've gone through all of the articles covering all the facts of cloud computing you should be an expert, right? We will quiz you on things like how you're going to access your data in the cloud, how it will help you save money, and whether or not services in the cloud are HIPAA compliant. Take the quick quiz and see if you pass the test!

Last but not least, watch our on-demand webinar about cloud-based software.

Watch the Webinar

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