Optical Dispensing: Participate in VisionWeb's OAA Royalty Program

As a corporate partner of the Opticians Association of American (OAA), VisionWeb was excited to be a part of the OAA's annual Leadership Conference last week in New Orleans, LA. It was a great conference spent with an awesome group of people and very informative presentations. The picture below of VisionWeb's Chris Rice and OAA President Tom Barracato was taken last week at the Leadership Conference!


How Optical Dispensing Could Win You a $150 Gift Card!

VisionWeb is an online ordering service for opticians and optometrists, and as a benefit to the OAA we created a Royalty Program to support optical dispensing and the people who use our services every day. We do this by providing royalties to the OAA on orders that all OAA members place over the VisionWeb network. At the leadership conference we were able to hand out the Royalty Checks to the individual state associations who earned them allowing them to use this money at their own discretion to support programs and defray their membership costs!

Want to Get Started?

All OAA members who use VisionWeb as an online optician ordering software are eligible to paticipate in the Royalty Program. And better yet, any member who enrolls before March 31, 2014 will be entered to win a $150 gift card! Enrolling your eyecare practice before the deadline of March 31, 2014 will include all of your orders placed on VisionWeb since April 2013 towards your State's earnings.

To enroll your practice follow these quick steps or check out the video:

1. Log in to your VisionWeb Account

2. Click on the OAA Royalty button on the bottom left of the screen (see screenshot)

3. Complete the form and hit submit

                                      online ordering service for opticiansThat's it! Once registered, all orders placed by any member of your staff will count toward your practice's order total for the annual earning period, which runs from April-March annually.

How Will Your Contributions Help Your State?

How much money you can earn for your state all depends on the amount of orders you and other OAA members in your State place through VisionWeb's online ordering service. Take a look at the example in the table below to see the money your state could earn!

optical dispensing

Want to get started today? Log in and sign up!

Log In to VisionWeb and Enroll

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