Ask Shane Anything Videos: Medical Billing

We know that practices' biggest struggle can be low reimbursements. However, most eyecare professionals don't have the capacity to learn the nuances of billing because they're spending their time face-to-face with patients. If hiring an in-house biller isn't an option for you, we wanted to be a resource to help you learn trickier parts of the insurance claims process within eyecare.

In order to get this information to you quickly and efficiently, we created a little "Ask Shane Anything" video series where our expert walks through different parts of billing step-by-step. You may have already seen part 1, if not go check it out in this blog, but here are parts 2 and 3:

Billing, Coding, and Tech Questions for Optometry

With over 15 years of experience, Shane Shepherd has seen it all when it comes to insurance. Prior to joining VisionWeb, he honed his craft managing teams at optometry practices and a major health insurance corporation. He has worked several years to provide revenue cycle management services for many successful practices throughout the US.

Part 2: Medical Billing Cont.

1. What are enrollments?

2. I would like to bill more medical but all the policies have a deductible. How do I overcome that? Asking for a friend...


Part 3: How do you bill for medically necessary contact lenses?


Submitting your insurance claims quickly and correctly helps deliver more revenue per patient visit. Our Revenue Cycle Management service helps you reduce labor costs and increase office productivity by letting your medical and vision claims be worked by our experts. We're motivated to file efficiently because we don't get paid unless you do.

To learn more about VisionWeb's RCM Service, click the link below:

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