We've noticed that optometrists are always curious to know how their peers are changing their processes to better accommodate their...
One of the most salient reasons to outsource your billing can be the benefits of NOT hiring an in-house biller. If you hire a biller, you...
Catering towards the disparate needs of all your patients can be difficult, especially when you have limited resources and space. Caring...
Although there are plenty of resources on the internet to help manage your practice, we find that billing advice specific to optometry...
Some customers choose Uprisefor its touch-free capabilities and competitive features. An early adopter of Uprise, Dr. Kim Castleberry is no...
Millennials are the generation that grew up with readily available internet, knowledge at their fingertips, technology prowess, and...
When new opportunities or responsibilities pop up in your optometry practice, do you knowwhich staff member should be in charge of taking...
It's no secret that optometry practices can earn a whopping 30-40% net profit. Especially once the practice has gone through its first year...
Based on the needs of our readers, we're starting a new series here on the VisionWeb blog called The Financial Guide. We'll explore your...
We've shown you the benefits of pulling patient's benefits before appointments, the difference between vision and medical billing, and...
If you're new to The Financial Guide series, we noticed that business management and finance aren't usually courses included in optometry...
It's time for the rush of patients scheduling appointments to use up the money left in their FSA or HSA accounts. If you're not...
We all have basic needs for food, water, and shelter. These must be satisfied at certain times of day and are usually both predictable and...
It's likely you've already listed your optometry practice on Yelp, Zocdoc, and the AOA search. However, Google Reviews is quickly catching...
Throughout the tradeshows of 2022, it's become clear that all optometrists and office managers can find one thing in common: their...
We recently appointed Nicolas Sinet CEO of VisionWeb. Sinet will lead the company as we continue to innovate and grow our technology...