Your Ultimate List of Claims Management and ICD-10 Resources

We’re less than 100 days away from ICD-10 and we hope that your practice is ready for the upcoming changes. For those of you who need help on how to cope with the change, or those who would like to keep up with ICD-10 industry news, we’ve compiled a full list of resources for you to use as a reference, regardless of the ICD-10 implementation stage you’re currently at.

Claims Management and ICD-10 Resources for Every Practice

Claims_Management_-_ICD-10Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)

CMS should be your go-to resource for everything ICD-10. (Side note, it is also an amazing resource for everything you need to know about Meaningful Use.) Within the CMS site, there is a library of ICD-10 specific resources. There is a lot of content to sift through, and some articles can get pretty long and tedious to read. Here are a few bite-sized articles to check out for a quick read:

Road to ICD-10

Road to ICD-10 is a microsite built by the CMS. It’s a resource built with input from providers in small practices that includes specialty references and helps providers build ICD-10 action plans tailored for their practice needs. The entire site is worth exploring, but here are two unique resources that you might find helpful:

American Optometric Association

If you’re in the field of optometry, you should already know about the AOA. But you don’t have to be a member to receive benefits. The AOA’s website is a great place to keep up with industry news, not just ICD-10 information.  

They will be hosting a webinar on ICD-10, on July 14, 2015, 8:00 PM EDT. It will be presented by AOA Coding Expert, Dr. Rebecca Wartman. Register to save your spot!


PECAA is one of the nation’s fastest growing eye care member organizations, created to promote and protect Independent Eye Care Professionals through innovative programs and marketing strategies. They will also be hosting a webinar on ICD-10, on June 25, 5PM PT. The webinar will cover strategies for implementation, a timeline to meet the compliance deadline, general coding guidelines, and mapping.

If you're interested in other content from PECAA, slides from a previous webinar, “Transitioning to ICD-10-CM: Planning the Journey to Implementation”, is now available on their site, which would be helpful for those just starting out with ICD-10 preparation.

Healthcare Information and Management Systems (HIMSS)

HIMSS is a global, cause-based, not-for-profit organization focused on better health through information technology (IT). They are not an eyecare specific resource, but still provide great information that eyecare practices can use. A couple of articles that relate to eyecare include:

VisionWeb Resources

Here at VisionWeb, we’ve been pushing out a lot of ICD-10 content through our blogs. We try to make these posts fun and informative! Here are some that you should check out:

Download our latest eBook, “8 Claim Filing Habits to Say Goodbye to in 2015”, where we cover claim filing tips, as well as dedicate a chapter to ICD-10 preparation! 

Download eBook!

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