4 Signs You Should Invest In Optical Software

You might be wondering what exactly optical software can do for you and how it will help your practice. You've probably been using your system of paper records for a long time and are comfortable with the process. So why fix something if it's not broken?

While it may take time to adjust to learning and using a new EHR software, the benefits in the long run will definitely pay off. The software is going to help you and your staff stay more organized, avoid Meaningful Use penalties, and move patients through their exam faster. And those are just a few reasons why we think an investment in an EHR software is a good one.

Why Your Eyecare Practice Should Invest In Optical Software

You Have an Impressive Stack of Paper Recordsoptometry office software

A big sign that you should make the investment in a pratice management and EHR software is if you have a massive stack of paper records in your office. Everything is moving to computers and online these days, and it's all to make your life easier! If your records are stored in an organized system online you'll be able to easily search and filter through your records much quicker than you could with paper records. 

You're Wasting Your Time Duplicating Data

With paper records, you and your patients have to take the time to fill out paper forms and questionnaires before appointments. What if your patients had access to these forms online through a patient portal that they could fill out before their appointment? You wouldn't have to worry about trying to read their chicken scratch on a paper form. Also, with some EHR systems, when you fill out information about a patient in one section of their record it will populate that information throughout the exam where needed. This is going to make the exam process go by a lot quicker, and will save you time from entering info in more than once!

You Can't Participate in The Meaningful Use Program

Participating in The Meaningful Use Incentive Program will earn your practice incentive payments along the way and you'll also avoid penalties come 2015. But, you can only participate in the program using certified EHR software. If you're planning to start participating in the program this year, you must use a system that is 2014 certified. The point of The Meaningful Use Incentive Program is for practices to use EHR technology in a way that creates a more cohesive healthcare experience for patients across all specialties.

optical softwareYou Lack Mobility

Your EHR software should be increasing the mobility in your practice, not hindering it. There are systems out there today that can give you and your staff the ability to access your practice management and EHR system from outside of your office, by simply logging into your system from online. For example, let's say a patient calls you with an emergency on the weekend, now you can access their patient information without leaving your home.

You can also increase the mobility of your staff in the office. With cloud-based EHR systems you have the option of using tablets in your practice that you can carry with you throughout an exam from room to room. Without having to deal with logging in and out of a system as you travel from room to room you'll be able to save more time and see more patients in a day!

Ready to get started in your search for a practice management and EHR solution? Check out Uprise.

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