4 Ways To Make Billing More Successful in Your Optometric Practice

With online retailers cutting into your optometric practice profits, you need to rely on your billing team to increase the number of successful claim reimbursements. Unfortunately, complexities in the claim lifecycle and the increased workload of an optometric biller are impeding the successful adoption of effective claim management.

In this post, we provide four quick tips to make billing more successful in your optometric practice.

Optometric Practice Tips For Improving Your Billing Success

Update Your ProcessLearn how to improve the billing in your optometric practice.

The eyecare industry is rapidly evolving. While new technology and regulations are being introduced to improve the quality of patient care and streamline the office workflow, some practices haven’t taken the time to update their billing process to keep up with the increased patient count caused by the improved efficiency. This is keeping a lot of practices from fully capitalizing on their claims reimbursements.

One of the quickest ways to improve your claims management is to modify your process to pull patient benefits earlier. Using a clearinghouse that integrated with your practice management solution, your front staff or billing departments can begin to pull a patient’s benefits before their scheduled appointment. Doing so will help identify some common errors that will cause rejections and denials.

Use Advanced Software

There are a lot of clearinghouse solutions on the market. However, a clearinghouse solution that works with your practice management software and gives you the ability to submit claims to hundreds of vision and medical payers from one portal will increase claim efficiency. Additionally, a clearinghouse solution that comes preloaded with different functions and advanced claim-scrubbing features will decrease claim denials to help you earn more money on your claim reimbursements.

Keep Up With Rejections

Claim rejections can be good for your practice, as long as you keep up with them. While ideally, you’d like to not have any rejections, the good thing is that about a rejections is that you get a second chance to correct the rejected claim and resubmit it to the payer. With the right software in place, you’ll get instant notifications if a claim is rejected so you can go back and rework it The problem is that many of the times a biller is so busy that they are unable to keep up with the rejections, so claims go unresolved and end up missing their timely filing deadline.

Record Data

Typically, most ODs don’t know how their claims management is stacking up. Low visibility into how much money they’re making from claims, how long the claim process is, and the rate of denials are keeping them from making informed decisions on how to improve the claims management process. But, most billers don’t have the time to sit down and create the reports or analyze the data. Using the right technology and services, you can gain insight into your claims management progress to see how you are doing compared to the state and national averages to avoid the risk of audits and improve your reimbursements.

Download the "Definitive Guide to Making More Money on Claim Reimbursements" for more tips like these!

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