5 Resources to Answer Your Biggest Optical Marketing Questions


If you own an eyecare practice, not only are you a doctor, but you're also an entreprenuer. Even though you've got the title of entreprenuer, the majority of your time is probably spent focused on patient care while the business side of things tends to take a backseat. Part of the business side is the marketing strategy strategy you implement. Marketing is an important part of your growth strategy that will help you build practice awareness, credibility, and new patients. Let's look at a few resources to help you answer some of your biggest questions and solve some common challenges that many practices face when it comes to marketing.

How to Solve 5 of Your Practice's Toughest Optical Marketing Challengesoptical marketing challenges

Challenge: You aren't seeing a good response on the marketing you are doing.

Read This: 7 Tried and True Marketing Strategies for You Eyecare Practice

Brainstorming new marketing ideas takes time and creativity in itself. On top of brainstorming you'll need even more time to execute the ideas and put them in motion. Use these ideas that have proven track records of being successful for eyecare practices. 

Challenge: Your online ads aren't performing.

Read This: Best Practices of Effective Online Ads Your Practice Should Implement

With algorithms changing almost daily, and new design trends constantly popping up it's easy for online ads to become dated or not be reaching your intended audience. So by the time you're able to break through these two challenges your ads need to be effective. Read up on these best practices to make your online ads as successful as they can be. 

Challenge: You aren't sure how to email promotional messages to your patient base.

Read This: 5 Steps to Get Started with Email Marketing in Your Practice

If you've never done any work with email marketing it can be an intimidating channel to venture in to. But these days there are lots of service providers that make it easy for everyone, even people with little to no marketing or design background, to create and send great marketing emails. Use these steps to get started and learn the basics. 

Challenge: You don't have the time or interest to manage social media.

Read This: Social Media Challenges and Solutions for Small Business

Social media can be a great marketing channel for your eycare practice, but it will only be as good as you make it. To create social profiles just for the sake of creating them won't do you much good - you need to manage and interact with them consistently. Learn from these 4 common social media challenges that many doctors face and how you can enlist in your team to help you tackle the challenge of managing social media.

Challenge: You need the latest tools and services to help you execute your strategy

Read This: 10 Free Marketing Tools Every Entreprenuer Should Know About

These days there are endless options of online tools and services to help you achieve your marketing goals. This last resource will give you ten free tools every small business should know about, so whether you need help improving SEO on your website, managing social media, designing ads, or gaining customer feedback there is a tool to help. 

To learn more about marketing for your practice, subscribe to the blog today.


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