A Few Tips to Help You Achieve Successful EHR Software Demos

Shopping for anything new can be exciting. But sometimes when you're excited about making a big purchase you can forget to do the proper planning and research before you dive in. Especially with bigger investments, like practice management and EHR software, you're going to end up looking into a handful of different systems and ultimately end up getting multiple software demos. Demos are scheduled in advance and can be time consuming so it's critical to your buying process that you're well prepared for each demo.

How to Be Prepared for an EHR Software Demo

Start with an Attendee ListEHR software tips

When it comes time to sit down for a demo, who from your practice do you want to include on the sessions? Which team members know your workflow the best, and should have a say in the system you buy? These important players in your practice are going to be able to pick out and notice features that might go unnoticed by you, so make sure that you've got everyone included who should be. Plus, if your staff is involved in the buying process, they'll probably be more invested in training and learning the new system when the time comes. 

Think about The Past, and The Future

Before you head into a software demo you should have an idea what you're looking for in a system. Think about your current workflow and practice situation. Get input from your team about where your biggest bottlenecks and pain points are, and how new software can help solve these problems. From here, create a detailed wish list so that you know the specifics you're hoping to find in a new system. 

Create a Comparison Card

If you're scheduled for demos from different software vendors you should make sure that you have a detailed comparison card so you can remember all the details of each system and easily compare them later on. If you're seeing multiple systems it can be easy for them to blur together, so make sure that you're taking good notes.

Communicate with Your Rep

In order for your sales rep to be prepared before the demo, make sure that you're communicating about the needs of your practice. That way, they can hit on the things that will be most important to you and your staff during the demo. Other important things for your sales rep to know are things like how many staff are in your practice and the types of equipment, instruments, and software tools that you're currently using. 

Be Ready for a Little Homework

You might not learn about all that a system has to offer in just one sitting. After you're done with a demo hold a quick meeting with your team to go over notes and get any initial feedback or questions that you might want to circle back with the sales rep on. Once you narrow down your choices, a follow up demo could be your next step to finalize any remaining questions. 

If you're preparing for EHR software demos, download this buying guide, Selecting a Practice Management and EHR Solution for Optometry

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