Earn 1 CE Credit with this Free ABO Approved Course

We know eyecare professionals want to get their CE credits in the most convenient way possible. How about getting them online for free?

20/20 Magazine offers a range of courses, most of them cost a nominal fee while some are completely free. We've linked our favorite free courses below to make life easier for you. The best thing is that these courses are short and digestible, so you can chip away at your CE credit goal on your busy schedule.

These are a few courses we think are beneficial to the growth of your practice, but best left to the professionals when it comes to education. These are only 2 of the many free courses out there, so make a list of skills you'd like to develop and browse away.

UV Rays to EyeClosing the UV Protection Gap (1 hour credit)
Ophthalmic Lens Standards vs. Biological Protection Requirements

Learning Objectives

  1. Learn about the current gap between UV protection standard guidelines for spectacle lenses versus the standard definition of the UV hazard range.
  2. Increase understanding of the importance of preventing the acute and chronic effects of UV exposure to the eye and surrounding skin.
  3. Raise awareness of the amplified risk that UVR exposure poses to children's eyes.
  4. Learn about a new sunglass level UV protection in clear lenses that is now available in Zeiss UVProtect clear lenses.



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Art of Assortment Planning (1 hour credit)
Ophthalmic Lens Standards vs. Biological Protection Requirements


  1. Understand the brand confusion and dilemma of an eyewear customer when seeing the assortment of frames in an optical store.
  2. Learn that there is a way to determine the number of frames and the importance of brands any particular practice should carry.
  3. Know how to communicate a curated assortment as well as how consumers have learned to shop that affect the eyewear purchase.



For more eyecare industry updates, education news, and marketing help, subscribe to our blog below.


Editor's Note: This post was originally published on July 12th, 2011.
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