Eyecare Practice Playlist: 9 Track Journey to Claim Filing Efficiency

Claims, claims, claims; we all know insurance claim filing is never fun. Patient eligibility, claim reports, is it rejected or accepted? It can all get rather overwhelming in an eyecare practice and without something entertaining to get you through a day full of claim filing, the day probably seems to last a lot longer than it should.

Now, there are three things we love at VisionWeb: claim filing efficiency, ordering efficiency, and of course music. So we want to take you on an electronic claim filing journey that takes you through the ‘Lifecycle of a Claim’ with a playlist that relates to each stage submitting a claim digitally. Put on your headphones to begin claim filing with a great playlist to go along with it.

9 Songs for Eyecare Practice Billers

Track 1: Kokomo – The Beach Boys

(Checking Online Patient Eligibility)

"That's where we wanna go; way down to Kokomo". We all need a day off here and there, especially as an eyecare practice biller. And checking patient eligibility online can save up to 2 weeks of time each year. This real time info may not convince the boss you need an extra 2 weeks of vacation each year to the Bahamas, but it might just give you a little extra time to do a few different things around the office. And on top of all of the time you will be saving, 95% of eyecare practice’s that use online services say it allows them to take better care of their patients, and that should be #1.

Track 2: Dance Yourself Clean – LCD Soundsystem

(For Submitting Claims)

Go and dance yourself clean, oh. Go and dance yourself clean, yeah". We hope that’s what you're doing when you finish submitting claims for the day through your insurance claims processing system, because submitting claims online allows you to create claims quickly with an option to even submit batch claims. And the direct data entry feature in clearinghouses allows claims to go through a ‘claim filing scrub’ to ensure cleaner claims and fewer rejections – IMPROVED CASH FLOW. So, as soon as you start using VisionWeb or an online clearinghouse, dancing yourself clean will be the only thing you have to worry about.

Track 3: Walking on Sunshine – Katrina and the Waves


“I'm walking on sunshine, woooah"!  Within 4-24 hours after submitting your claims you will receive a Claim Confirmation Report, which tells you which claims have been accepted or rejected by clearinghouses. Getting rejected claims here and there is inevitable regardless of what service you are using, but with the claim scrub mentioned in the last song, rejected claims occur a lot less often. Plus, if you do have a rejected claim, it's much better to find out in the first day of the process. There is nothing like receiving a Claims Confirmation Report with claims that are all accepted - what a feeling of success. All of your hard work has paid off, and you deserve a walk in the sun.

Track 4: Be OK – Ingrid Michaelson

(Checking Reports)

After submitting claims you are probably thinking, “I just want to be ok, be ok, be ok; I just want to be ok today,” but I hope it’s not worth biting your nails over. Remember, claims filed online have fewer rejections. And after using VisionWeb, many of our users quickly see the difference.

Track 5: Analyser – Alunageorge

(File Detail Summary and Batch/Level Rejection Reports)

“I hope you find a new direction - I know you're reaching for perfection; All the words will help you understand”. Within 2 days you will receive a File Detail Summary and Batch/Level Rejection Reports, which is from the payer and shows a list of accepted and rejected claims along with details of why specific claims were rejected. Nothing is ever perfect, but the great thing about electronic claim filing through VisionWeb is that our service offers reporting and analytics that give you the knowledge and ability to analyze your top ten rejection reasons, so finding a new direction is right at your fingertips. And we all know being aware of mistakes is the only way they can ever be fixed.

Track 6: Just Got Paid – NSYNC

(Payer Adjudicates Claims)

“Thank God it's Friday night and I just-just-just-just-juuuuuuust got paid!" With online ordering you can expect to get paid in about half the time that it takes when you file on paper, so instead of singing this once every month, you get to sing it twice. 14 business days opposed to 30? I don’t think there is a question.

Track 7: 3 R's – Jack Johnson

(ERAs and EOBs are Received)

“We've got to learn to reduce, reuse, recycle”. Going green was a trend that has become the norm these days. Not only does it help the planet, but it also saves space in your practice. Digital ERA management services simplify your billing by automatically interpreting remittance information received from your payer and delivering it to you electronically in place of paper EOBs. So within 14 days, you have easy to read summaries with powerful searching options.

Track 8: Lean on Me – Bill Withers

(Contacting Customer Service)

“Just call on me brother when you need a hand…I just might have a problem that you understand. We all need somebody to lean on”! No matter how much you know about claims, things are constantly changing in regards to insurance benefits and compliance. And at VisionWeb, because we exclusively serve the eyecare community, we are on top of all of it for you. We are committed to providing a professional and friendly customer service team available to support you and your staff.

Track 9: Eye of the Tiger – Survivor

(All Claims Successfully Reimbursed)

“Risin' up straight to the top; had the guts, got the glory”. After all claims are successfully reimbursed, this is how you should be feeling. Because that’s what outsourced or electronic claim filing does; it sets you apart from the rest of the crowd and can quickly increase your performance. So embrace the opportunities technology has given eyecare practices and take advantage of them. We want you to have all of the glory and know exactly where you’re going.

 We have fun here at the VisionWeb blog. Subscribe for more joy in your inbox.


Originally published in 2014. Updated in May 2022.

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