Optical Practice Efficiency Tips for 2015

How has your practice been preparing for 2015? Have you and your team set aside time to look into budgets, social media strategies, or even work on staff evaluations? Just like your annual staff evaluations, it’s important to review your practice from your workflow, processes, and equipment efficiency. To help you with that, we’re going to look at your product ordering efficiency. See how well your practice is doing, and if it’s due for some changes in 2015!

1. Take the Product Ordering Efficiency Test

How is your practice currently ordering ophthalmic products? Common methods include phoning, faxing, using the lab’s website and using an online ordering solution. Use our efficiency test below to see if your current ordering method is the most efficient!


2. Use VisionWeb.com to Place Orders

We think that online ordering the way to go! And VisionWeb is the best way to do it. More than 17,000 ECPs already use VisionWeb, so if you’re not onboard, you are totally missing out. It’s free to use, and you get jobs back 1-2 days faster than other ordering methods.

VisionWeb is also equipped with various shortcuts to make ordering even faster. If you’re already a VisionWeb user, don’t forget these tricks:

  • Favorite Templates: Favorite common prescriptions so you won’t have to key in the same information over and over again. Label your order template, save it to your pending jobs, and when you need it, pull up the pending job and fill in your patient’s information.
  • Arrow Filters: If your patients have the same prescription for both eyes, simply use the arrow filter right under each field to copy the information into the other field.
  • Frames Data Assist Tool: Enter a frame by manufacturer or brand in your order, and get access to available models, colors, sizes, and temple lengths. Once a frame is selected, the measurements will automatically populate.
  • VisionWeb Mobile App: Need to access your account while you’re away from your office? Simply download our app to review pending orders, track orders, and access archived orders.

 3. Integrate VisionWeb in Your Practice Management Solution

If you already have VisionWeb integrated in your practice management system, you’re an ordering efficiency expert and you’re ready to take on 2015! But if you haven’t, VisionWeb can be integrated with more than 15 systems, so you get a more complete ordering solution. The integration allows you to use the information already entered into your system to create and submit order. This way, you save time by reducing the need for duplicate data-entry.

Maybe some of you do not have a practice management and EHR solution in your practice. We recommend that you invest in one for the upcoming year. A certified system can help you provide better patient care, participate in Meaningful Use, and even help increase your practice revenue! Check out our buying guide to make sure that you pick a solution that best fits your practice.

Start using VisionWeb today and get ahead of your online ordering game for 2015!

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