EHR Software Training Tips Straight from the Experts

EHR software implementation. Those three words alone can be a scary thing for any eyecare practice. Software implementation in any capacity usually comes with the stigma of a big price tag, difficult installations, time-consuming integrations, and hard to manage change for your whole office. But, with the right software vendor and a team of employees that are ready and excited to make the switch, implementation can be less of a bumpy road!

We sat down with one of the members of the Uprise Training Team, Cookie deSilva, to get her insights and training tips for having a successful implementation!

5 EHR Software Training Tips Everyone Can EHR Software ImplementationBenefit From

What is the biggest mistake practices make with their optometry software?

In my opinion, the biggest mistake that practices can make when selecting an optometry software program is not testing out each aspect of the system before the purchase, and not communicating well with everyone in the practice. It is important for every person in your practice to be on the same page as far as expectations and needs of the new software. The key to managing change like this is great communication with each other. If you're the doctor in your practice it's important to you that the EHR has all that you need (and more), but what about your staff? Make sure their needs and wants are going to be met too.

What is the biggest obstacle in training staff to use new software?

One of the biggest obstacles when training staff to use a new software is dealing with the different levels of technical knowledge among your staff. Someone who is extremely tech savvy and can adapt to new software easily is an ideal candidate for learning new optometry software. Unfortunately, that may not be the case in many offices. People like to stick with what they know, and may be even more apprehensive to the change of learning new software if they aren't comfortable with computers or technology. When you choose optometry software for your office, make sure that their training team is well-equipped to teach all types of staff members!

How do you know which software is right for your practice?

Like I mentioned before, it's extremely important to know how comfortable each of your staff members are with technology. Do they use computers on a daily basis? Do they know how to access the Internet? These may seem like silly questions to some of you, but for those practices who have been running on paper all these years, computers could be pretty foreign to some staff members. Getting to know your staff and the workflow of your practice will help you find what you're looking for in a practice management and EHR software. Make a shopping list of the important aspects and then look for software that fits your criteria.

What's the best advice you have for the staff members of a practice undergoing software implementation?

Speak up! Make sure the decision makers in your office know exactly what you need to do your job. Once you are in the training stage, keep your positive attitude positive! Don't let the little things get you down, and keep encouragement up in the office. If you have a question, no matter how small you think it is, always ask your training team. A good training team will make sure you have everything you need to succeed!

What is the most effective way to keep staff motivated during training?

The best way to manage change and stay motivated is to establish a sense of camaraderie - no matter who is learning what, the entire staff is in it together. Keep everyone engaged and talk about the software in the office regularly to maintain interest. Find ways to make it fun! It's also important that your training team is easily accessible and does everything they can on their end to keep staff motivated as well. You're not in this alone!

If you want more expert advice on EHR implementation, download our eBook to help guide you through change management in your practice!

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