Group Activities To Reduce Stress In Your Optometric Practice

Is stress getting to you and your staff members? While the end of the year is usually a busy time for your optometric practice, it can also lead to an increase in stress. As the stress continues to build, mistakes can be made, and employee turnover rates can increase as burnout possibilities intensifies.

To combat the effects of mounting stress in your optometric practice, try some of the following group activities to decrease stress and improve employee satisfaction.

Tips For Decreasing Stress for Your Team

ExerciseEliminate stress for your optometric practice staff with these tips.

Exercise is associated with improving a person’s physical fitness. Regular exercise can positively affect the brain by reducing stress, improving alertness, and improving self-esteem. To combat stress in your optometric practice, encourage your staff members to take a short 5-minute walk daily.

Waiting for a late patient to show up? Use the time to try some of these office exercises to get your staff moving.

Deep Breathing

One of the simplest stress management techniques you can employ in a group setting is to practice guided deep breathing. Controlled breathing can lower blood pressure, reduce anxiety, and increase awareness. More importantly, it can be done in a few minutes with little effort.

At the start of the day or when situations become tense, encourage your staff to practice any of these deep breathing activities to regroup and relax in a quiet part of your office.

Get Assistance From Animals

Sometimes you don’t need human interaction to reduce stress. One article states that being around animals can calm people in stressful situations. While having an office dog or cat may not be possible, consider adding a fish tank to your office waiting room to calm both your patients and your staff.

Play A Game

Another way to manage stress is by playing games. Playing games in your optometric practice can build upon the bonds between your staff members and decrease stress by switching focus away from troublesome tasks. During a stressful week, schedule a game night to take place in the time slot for your last appointment. Have an assortment of board games, cards, or puzzles available to assist in group play.

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Originally published in December 2017

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