5 Tips To Reduce Stress In Your Optometric Practice

2020 and 2021 have been stressful times for people in the eyecare industry. In addition to the stress caused by the pandemic, eyecare professionals have also dealt with the pressure of adapting to evolving technologies, managing their business, employee retention, and more. These responsibilities add up more than you may think and result in a heavier workload and higher stress levels.

But, by learning how to manage stress, you can ensure that you continue to deliver quality care to your patients without burning out. In today’s post, we’ll reveal a few ways you and your staff can reduce stress in your optometric practice.

How To Reduce Stress In Your Optometric Practice 

Focused BreathingNew Website (1)

Breathing is automatic. For the most part, you don’t have to be reminded to breathe. For that reason, you usually don’t set aside time to exercise breathing techniques. But, the act of focusing your attention on deep breathing can reduce stress. The best part of all is that you can do a breathing exercise anywhere.

Try one of these 6 breathing exercises between patients to remain calm and recharge for the next appointment.

Disconnect from Technology

The need for technology in your optometric practice is growing. With the increase of technology and the ability to access your EHR from anywhere with internet access, it may be hard to disconnect from the office.

While it may be hard to disconnect from technology, setting boundaries to help you establish a work-life balance can reduce the stress of feeling that you always have to be available and working.

Take a Walk

Sometimes a change of scenery and a brief bit of exercise may be all you need to relieve stress. According to this article, walking outside for 20-30 minutes helps alleviate stress, increase energy levels, and improve memory.

Express Gratitude

Stress can change your perception and cause you to only see the negative. Fortunately, one way to avoid negative thoughts, destress, and improve self-esteem is to express gratitude for things you have. Try some of these tips to begin your gratitude process.

Monitor Diet

Stress can lead to poor eating habits. When stress has affected sleep patterns, most people turn to caffeinated beverages like coffee to boost energy. Unfortunately, too much caffeine can also negatively affect your sleeping pattern because it stays in your system longer than most realize. Foods that help reduce stress include fruits, vegetables, and foods rich in fiber and carbohydrates.

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Editor's Note: This post was originally published on Dec. 5, 2017. It has been updated for relevance and richness of content on June 8, 2021.

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