How to Keep Your EHR Software List Manageable

Making a big purchase for your eyecare practice can be a long and stressful process. Evaluating different systems can be a big undertaking, and if you don't get your vendor list under control it can be hard to stay organized and find the right solution for your practice. The best thing you can do is get a good understanding of your practice's current needs so that you're able to narrow down the pool, and keep your vendor list under 5. 

Not every system is right for every practice. So once you fully understand your specific needs you'll be able to cross out some options right off the bat. 

Staying Organized During the EHR Software Buying Process

When it comes to software demos of practice management and EHR software, it's going to be a bit of a time committment. To fully understand what a system offers, a full fledged demo of each of your top system contenders is a must. Schedule and set aside time for each different demo. Scheduling your demos well in advance gives you time to:

  • Profile your practiceebook_magnifying_glass.png
  • Create a list of needs and wants
  • Get the right people in your practice involved
  • Design a detailed score card

These are 4 steps you should take that will help you make the most of your demo time, and help you narrow down the right solution for your practice. 

Help Your Sales Rep Help You

The sales rep giving you the software demo wants to help you solve your practice problems. But in order for them to do their job, they need to understand the ins and outs of your practice and what you're hoping to get from a new system. Be honest with your rep about your needs, expectations, and timelines and this will help them be more honest with you in return. A few things we think are important to share with your sales rep are:

  • What other systems are in the running
  • How you're comparing the demos
  • Your needs and wants from a system
  • When you'd like to get started with the new system

Ask the Right Questions

You probably have an idea in your head about what the perfect system looks like. But in reality, you probably aren't going to find "the perfect system". Think about specific practice scenarios so that during the demo you can see how you'd work through those specific situations with the new software. That will help you level the playing field when comparing the systems. 

Keep an open mind on the way the system works. If you're closed off because it's not how you normally do things you might be missing out on some great ways that a system can help you streamline some of your current processes. 

Asking the right questions is another important part of the demo process, and we've got a list of common and not so common questions to check out. 

If you're going through the buying process download our free Buying Guide to help you through the process. 

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