Justifying Frame Repair Costs in Your Optometric Practice

Frames have a tendency to break. Whether your patient slept in their glasses and broke the temple or a defect in the frame caused the need for repair, there comes a time where your optometric practice will have to justify your frame repair costs to your patients. Sometimes, this can turn into a hostile conversation.

In this post, we identify ways to explain repair costs and options to patients.

Optometric Practice Tips for Defending The Cost of Repairing Broken Frames

1. Explain Your PolicyUse these optometric practice tips to defend your frame repair policy

Before placing a frame order, it is important to explain your repair policy with the patient and explain in detail what’s covered, what’s not covered, and how long the coverage lasts. If you can, get the patient or person purchasing the frames to sign-off stating that they understand the policy and make a copy of the policy visible in the patient portal or on your website for future reference.

2. Cite The Manufacturer’s Warranty

Many frame manufacturers have warranties on their products. If the patient’s broken frames don’t fall under your repair policy, let them know that you’ll look and see if it falls under the guidelines of the manufacturer’s policy. If it does not, ensure that you get in writing why the event doesn’t comply and provide a copy of the full warranty.

3. Offer A Protection Plan

Offering an extended protection plan is a great way to protect those of us who are rough on our frames as well as help you add more revenue to your practice. When offering the add-on protection plan, you want to ensure you explain what’s covered and how long the coverage is for. Since this will be an add-on, explain the upfront cost and any cost during the duration of the offer. Then compare that to the expense of having to purchase replacement frames when it doesn’t fall under your standard policy or the manufacturers warranty.

It may be wise to have the patient sign off that they have declined the protection plan.

4. Stand Behind Your Policy

There’s undoubtedly going to come a time when a patient comes in with broken frames that don’t fall into your standard policy, your protection plan, or the manufacturer’s warranty. When these situations occur, you need to identify what’s better for your practice; to keep a patient happy or to stand behind your policy. Many times, giving in to irate patients may temporarily defuse the tension, but the word can spread fast. If others hear that you waived the fee they may expect the same or explain to other patients why you made the decision.

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