What Our Uprise Blog Readers Loved in 2015

First of all, we’d like to say a big thank you to our blog subscribers as we continue to see the Uprise blog grow. We’ve put together a recap of the most popular content published on our blog this year for those who are not caught up with the blog. And for those who are, use this recap to help you think of goals for your practice next year!

Top 5 Most Read Uprise Blog Posts This Year 

Can You Get a Perfect 10 for 10 on the Quiz about ICD-10 & Claims Management?

It’s been a couple of months since we’ve implemented ICD-10, and now is the perfect time to see if you actually know your stuff! Take the quiz and see if you still need more training on the new code set.

How to Handle No-Shows and Late PatientsUprise Blog

A late patient or a no-show can really throw off your entire schedule and ruin your day! Make it your practice’s 2016 goal to see more patients and reduce your number of no-shows. It’s an important goal to keep in mind throughout the year! 

Keeping Your Office Workflow HIPAA Compliant in 2015

Maintaining HIPAA compliance is a big deal in all healthcare capacities, and it is important to maintain your compliance system to keep your patient’s trust and avoid hefty penalties from the government. Review these guidelines before starting the New Year!

What to Look for when Hiring For Every Position in Your Optical Practice

We’ve laid out the skills and characteristics that we think make someone a candidate for each of the different roles in your practice. So if you’re thinking of hiring more staff members to grow your practice, this is the post for you!

A Formula Cheat Sheet for Improving Your Office Workflow

We want to share with you a cheat sheet that you can keep on hand to do quick check ups on the benchmarks you should be monitoring in your practice. This is a great end of year activity for your practice so you can find out areas to work on next year!

eBook: 8 Claim Filing Trends to Say Goodbye to in 2015

As a bonus, we thought we’d also share the most downloaded eBook this year. When it comes to claims management, following a process out of habit isn’t going to cut it anymore! This eBook will cover common bad habits you should break and introduce new methods you should adopt. Change your claim filing processes before hitting the New Year!

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