What You’re Missing in Your Claim Management Solution

Your practice’s ability to generate revenue from your patients’ insurance claims is becoming more important as patients go to online retailers to fill their optical prescription needs. Unfortunately, maximizing your cash flow from claim reimbursements can be challenging due to the multiple steps, lack of transparency, complex coding requirements, and a continuous stream of new claims, rejections, and denials.

To ease some of these claim management challenges and improve reimbursement cash flow, many optometric practices look towards a comprehensive claim management solution. But, how do you know that the solution you’ve selected is delivering the right capabilities for your practice?

3 Signs of a Comprehensive Claim Management Solution

Enhanced ScrubbingImprove reimbursement cash flow with these claim management features.

While most claim management providers offer some sort of claim scrubbing functionality, many only offer the bare minimum. A provider that offers enhanced scrubbing capabilities for NDC and LCD compliance out of the box will help you avoid payment delays and costs associated with working appeals and rejections.

Prioritized Claims

Chasing claims from payer to payer is a time waste. With the increasing workload of your biller, especially during peak seasonal rushes, your claim management solution needs to have the ability to block the distractions from other claims and help your biller stay focused on working only the claims assigned to them. By selecting a claim management provider with the ability to configure customizable workgroups, you biller can stay laser focused on the claims that need the most attention.

ERA Dashboard

The ability to track and manage your Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA) documents from multiple payers in one single location will help you reduce lost remits and eliminate manual posting practices. With an ERA management dashboard, you can take control of your accounts receivable and gain detailed interpretations of remit information from your payers.

Do you have what you need to manage your claims effectively in-house? Request your free Claim Management consultation from VisionWeb and get tools for every step of the reimbursement cycle.

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