3 Tools to Use with Your Cloud-based EHR to Reduce Typing in The Exam Lane

When your patients are in the exam chair, they expect that you give your full attention to them and their eyecare needs. Unfortunately, many EHR software solutions tie ODs to their computer to document exam findings, which results in a loss of focus, a lot of typing, and a lack of patient engagement. While cloud-based EHRs enable greater mobility with the use of a tablet, the features in the EHR are what reduces typing to improve patient engagement and enhance patient care.

Below are three tools to use with your cloud-based EHR to reduce typing and improve patient engagement in the exam lane.

How To Reduce Typing Using Cloud-based EHRHow to reduce typing using a cloud-based EHR to improve office workflow and enhance patient care.

Voice Dictation

Having to turn your back to your patients to type exam findings into an EHR not only decreases patient engagement, but it also extends the duration the patient spends in the exam chair, reducing the number of patients you can see each day. While some practices employ scribes to reduce the effects of this, the resources could be better used to help patients in other areas of the optometric practice.

With a voice dictation feature, you can talk into your tablet to enter data on any text-entry field saving you time and reducing the impact of having to turn your back on your patient or allocate resources to enter data for you.

Clinical Decision Support

The amount of data-entry required following the documentation of an exam finding is tedious. With a smart, cloud-based EHR, you get clinical decision support that uses a single entry made during annotation to automatically populate diagnosis, treatments, orders, special testing, and patient education materials based on best practices. Using clinical decision support, you can reduce typing and enhance patient care.


Further reducing the impact of having to type and break away from your patient, with a cloud-based EHR that’s compatible with a tablet, you can utilize touch-screen features to record exam findings with features like:

  • Slider input
  • Preset value buttons
  • Comparison tools

Download our practice efficiency eBook to discover other tips on how your practice can used cloud-based optometry software to optimize your office workflow. 

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