5 Reasons Why You Might Want to Make the EHR Software Pilgrimage

Healthcare providers are making the switch to EHR software for a variety of different reasons. Whether you're looking for more flexibility, want to participate in Meaningful Use, or give your patients greater access to health resources, EHR systems are going to help you accomplish all of that. And since not all practice management and EHR systems were created equal, we've got a list of reasons why providers are looking for new systems, and features you should be looking out for when shopping. Is your practice ready to make the journey to EHR software?

Why Eyecare Practices are Making the Pilgrimage to EHR Software

You don't have enough mobility. EHR software

Have you been doing everything on paper in your office for years? Or, have you been using a client-server system that keeps you tied to the desktops in your office? Either way, you could be benefitting from increased mobility with your EHR software. Cloud-based EHR systems are accessed via logging in through a web browser. Which means you can get to your system from any device with an Internet connection, even when you're out of the office.

On top of that, not having to install software on the device frees you up to the option of using tablets in your office. Not all systems are optimized for tablet use, but there are systems out there that are. So if tablet mobility is important to you, make sure you're bringing it up with your sales reps.

Paper is piling up in your office.

If you're an established paper practice that's been in the biz for years, you probably have a lot of paper sitting around your office. Paper files aren't the most convenient for organizing and searching for specific patient info. Storing your records electronically in an EHR makes it so much easier with search features and filter tools to help you find the information you need in the click of a mouse.

You want to avoid Meaningful Use penalties.

By now, you probably know that it's too late to participate in Meaningful Use in order to receive incentives, but there is still a little bit of time for you to avoid 2015 penalties towards your Medicare reimbursements. November 30 is the deadline for hardship exemption applications to avoid penalties in 2015. On top of that, if you aren't going to be able to get that hardship exemption in this year, there is still time for next year so that you can avoid penalties in 2016. While you may think Meaningful Use is a hassle, it really helps practices adjust to processes and habits that are great for both your practice and your patients in the long run.

You want to keep track of more reports.

To go along with what we mentioned earlier about not being able to easily find information if you're using paper records, it's also hard to create reports off of paper records. Electronic information can easily be sorted into reports to help you better understand and analyze what's going on in your practice. Being able to analyze reports is going to help your bottom line and earn you more revenue as it can help show you valuable insights on your practice, sales, and patient information.

You want to give your patients access to more resources.

Your patients are the biggest asset to you practice. So make sure that you have the tools and resources to keep them happy and coming back to see you. Some EHR systems now come with patient portals that make it easier to get important health information to your patients. Patient portals let you do things like send secure messages to your patients so that they can see lab results, education materials, and treatment instructions. Not only is this a great benefit for your patients but it is also going to help keep your staff off the phone with patients calling in and asking questions. Your patients will be able to schedule appointments, and fill out important pre-appointment paperwork so that they can spend less time in the waiting room. 

Are you ready to make the switch to EHR? Check out Uprise, our cloud-based practice management and EHR software.

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