Back to the Basics: What is Cloud-Based EHR?

When it comes down to it, ODs have a big decision to make when selecting the right practice management and EHR solution for their practice. Before you dive in, it's important to understand the different types of technology available with different systems, and how that type of technology will affect your practice.

Today we want to go through the basics of cloud-based EHR software. If you've been a practice using a client-server system, or you're a paper practice you might have some questions when it comes to cloud-based software. 

If you're still scratching your head when you hear someone say, "the cloud", that's ok! The phrase "the cloud" is really just a fancy marketing term that doesn't help you understand what in fact the cloud is, or does. In simple terms, the cloud is the Internet. Anything "in the cloud" is stored and accessed over the Internet by logging into a website, instead of a software that is physically stored in your practice on a computer's hard drive. 

Why Cloud-Based EHR has Gained Popularity

Software Stays Updated. With web-based software, updates are
constantly occuring
and your office iscloud-based EHR always getting the latest version of the software. You're not having to wait long periods of time for updates to happen, and you don't have to shell out extra cash to get a new license for the latest version. 

Better Accessibility and Connectivity. Cloud-based software gives you and your staff the ability to work from anywhere. You don't need to have the system downloaded on every device that you wish to access it from. You'll log in online, so a reliable Internet connection is all you will need with the device of your choice. 

Fewer Expenses. When you're not having to purchase a server, or new computers that are compatible with the software, it's going to be more cost effective for your practice. Not to mention, you won't have to pay for the latest upgrades to the system when it becomes available; the latest upgrades are all part of the package. 

Moblity. We already mentioned increased accessibility and connectivity, but you also get the benefit of mobility with cloud-based software. Using handheld devices is something your practice can take advantage of with cloud-based software. The use of tablets in healthcare help build stronger relationships with your patients by allowing you to share information more easily in the exam room. 

IT Management is Low. With cloud-based software much of your system's security and IT needs are going to be taken care of by the vendor. And, vendors depend on the best security for the survival of their business so the security standards they apply are probably going to beat the security you can offer on servers in your own practice. And, with less hardware in your pracitce, you won't need as much IT expertise to stay on top of all your equipment. 

Are you looking to take advantage of the cloud in your eyecare practice? Check out Uprise! 

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