Using a Cloud-based EHR to Boost Your Patient Profiles


Physical, paper patient profiles not only take up a lot of room in your optometric practice, but they also impede your staff’s ability to accurately and quickly record the information that you and your patient will rely on for years to come.

Using a cloud-based EHR, your practice can improve your patient profiles and reduce documentation errors. This post explores a few of the ways your practice can enhance your patient profiles with cloud-based EHR software.

How Can Cloud-based EHR Enhance Patient Profiles?

Improved DocumentationDiscover how cloud-based EHR software can improve your patient profiles.

One of the main drawbacks of using paper records is that there’s a chance that the patient data isn’t legible to the doctor or the staff who is administering care. Using cloud-based EHR, your staff can type information directly into the patient profile to remove the hassle of having to decipher handwriting. Additionally, when a patient’s record is changed, you can see who made the change and what the change was for, providing greater visibility and tracking of the patient’s history.

Reducing data-entry errors, cloud-based EHR software that comes with clinical decision support can use a single entry recorded during annotation to automatically populate information in similar fields and help generate a diagnosis, treatment, orders, special testing options, and patient education materials based on best practices.

Increased Connectability

Connecting your digital ophthalmic instruments to your cloud-based EHR will result in less work for you and your staff. With multiple equipment integrations, you can transmit pre-testing results from the ophthalmic devices to the EHR software and record those finding in the patient profile to reduce human errors.

Up-to-date Prescription History

Patients may not always remember what medication they are taking when it comes to filling out pre-appointment paperwork and disclosing the information to the doctor. However, using cloud-based EHR software with embedded tools, like an ePrescribing tool, your practice can access medical history to view a full list of all past and present prescription history. You can also add any medications your patient may be taking that weren’t listed in the report.

Secure Accessibility

Toting paper patient profiles to different locations can create significant security issues. If the patient record is lost, stolen, or altered in any way, you could be facing major repercussions.

To reduce the risk and fear of transporting patient data, use cloud-based EHR software. Because the software is cloud-based, it can be accessed anywhere with an internet connection and can only be accessed using secure user names and passwords.

Once more, you can share some of the sensitive data with your patient by connecting it to the patient portal for them to review and update.

Looking for EHR software that will help you improve your patient profiles? Download this shopping kit for free.

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