Can You Transform Your Practice Workflow with Cloud-based EHR?

Whether you’re an independent practice owner, a partner with multiple locations, or an OD in a retail-space, all ODs need to have a cloud-based EHR solution in the optometric practice to enhance patient care.

Implementing a new EHR software into your practice will help streamline every lane of your office workflow and, more importantly, enhance patient care throughout the encounter. In this post, we explore the benefits that a robust, cloud-based EHR will have on your practice.

How Cloud-based EHR Can Transform Your Practice Workflow

Front Office FeaturesLearn how a cloud-based EHR will benefit your entire optometric practice.

Your front office carries a lot of responsibilities, from handling the scheduling, checking-in patients, and making sure that patients move swiftly through the practice. A lot of what happens within the first few minutes when a patient enters your practice can either strengthen or weaken the relationship you have with your patient.

With EHR software, your front office can focus less on answering phones and manually entering data, and focus more on providing a better experience for the patients physically in your practice.

Using a cloud-based EHR, your front office can set the stage for your practice and begin moving your patients efficiently through your workflow with these features for:

  • Patient portal integrations
  • Scheduling
  • Checking patients in
  • Checking patients out

EHR Benefits for Your Optical Tech

The beauty of a cloud-based EHR is that it syncs with many of the digital devices your practice uses when conducting the pre-exam and exam activities. With these integrations, your technician can take over more of the administrative work like reviewing patient data, conducting pre-tests, and assisting patients with their questions.

Expedite your patient’s journey through the exam and reduce hand-offs by letting your tech take on more pre-exam responsibilities with features to help your optical tech:

  • Review patient info
  • Record chief complaints
  • Conduct pre-tests

Exam Lane Benefits

Cloud-based EHRs provide ODs with secure access to their entire database of patient records, so they can move from room-to-room with full confidence that they have all the tools and information needed to work more efficiently and enhance patient care.

When performing an eye exam, you want your process to be efficient and have the ability to easily document the exam as you move along. But, paper charts hinder efficiency. Illegible handwriting, repetitive data entry, or inaccurate documentation can make it difficult to effectively move a patient through your practice.

Cloud-based EHR software comes with automated data features that replicate a single entry into appropriate fields later in the exam to reduce repetitive entries. Additionally, the software comes with clinical decision support to populate diagnosis, treatment recommendations, orders, testing, and patient education material based on best practices.

Learn other ways that a cloud-based EHR can improve your practice by downloading the Workflow Efficiency ebook!

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