Have you enrolled for ERA through VisionWeb's ERA Management service? Why not? It's free!
Take advantage of all the benefits of accessing your ERA online! And, for a small upgraded fee to your monthly subscription, you can take advantage of ERA Auto-Posting with PM Vendors.

VisionWeb's ERA management service helps your billing department to better control accounts receivables by automatically interpreting remittance information received from your connected payers and delivering it to you electronically in place of paper Explanation of Benefits (EOBs). This service gives your staff an important tool to expedite the reconciliation process.
Service Features
Dynamic Searching Options
- Search and sort remittance information by provider, payer, date range, check number, or payment method
Detailed Summary Views
- Reasons for adjustments, denials, and payment reductions presented in an easy-to-read online format
- Review transaction-level and claim-level summaries to reconcile differences among amounts paid and amounts billed
- Identify and correct problems that lead to denials and lost revenue
Practical Information Management
- Remittance information automatically stored for you for seven years
- Export your reports into Excel format for easy remittance advice archiving
- Printer-friendly EOBs allow you to print by patient as needed for secondary claim processing
- Download and import ERA into your compatible practice management software for auto-posting in a snap
VisionWeb's ERA Management Service Benefits
- Reduced paperwork
- Simplified remittance balancing with detailed online payment visibility
- Faster communication of payment notification
- Expedited account receivable reconciliation