New eBook: The Electronic Claim Filing Playbook

You’re probably asking how in the world college football and claim filing have anything to do with each other. Well, in football and in eyecare, efficiency and productivity are important cornerstones of any great team or practice! And if you don’t work to improve efficiency, use the resources available to you, embrace technology, and listen to your coaches, things might be quick to fall apart!

We want you to meet Coach Green. He loves 2 things: football and education! So Coach Green has found 6 similarities between football and electronic claim filing that may catch you by surprise!

Here is a sneak-peek about the 6 Football Lessons Coach Green has to teach you that will help your practice reach its full claim filing potential by efficiently using your system to manage electronic claim filing!

Electronic Claim Filing Playbook
  1. Know Your Opponent
  2. Always Be Game Day Ready
  3. Equip Your Team
  4. Maximize Home-field Advantage
  5. Embrace Technology
  6. Be Adaptable

Download the FREE eBook now!

The tie between football and electronic claim filing isn't that difficult to grasp, so next time someone tells you filing claims electronically just isn’t worth it, you might want to throw a flag on ‘em and blow the whistle!


Download the Electronic Claim Filing Playbook

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