Eyecare Companies That Got Creative in 2020

Earlier we made a list of eyecare companies that were promoting innovation in our field. Now, we'll highlight some companies that stepped up their optimization in a year where everyone had to work quickly to find solutions to new obstacles.

These companies span different parts of the eyecare practice experience, but all of them focus on the common goal of providing the best patient care possible.

See who we picked and let us know if you think any other companies should be added to the list in the comment section below.

Creative Optometry Companies



As a large company that mainly focuses on lenses, frames, and other eyecare products, Essilor had to shift how customers can gain access to their products this year. However, they also continuously promote accessibility for eyecare products through mobile eye car vans and funding research for myopia or other eye diseases. It's inspiring to see a company focusing on the people who are most vulnerable during a pandemic.


We know that many eye care providers were concerned about communication practice opening, closing, and procedure updates to patients effectively, especially at the beginning of COVID-19 lockdowns in March. Being able to reliably communicate with your patients over digital platforms is crucial to providing a safe experience, too. We were impressed with Weave's blog posts and CE course about adapting your patient communication for the current circumstances. Eyecare companies are figuring out how to support optometrists while updating their products to meet new care needs more quickly than they've had to before.


You might have heard of OMG (Optical Marketing Group), but maybe you didn't know about their marketing media management that does the heavy-lifting on marketing your products without creating paper waste, Contentlinq. Not only does Contentlinq allow vendors to provide optimized messaging, but it also makes sure that patients are receiving the best messages at the best moments on Point of Sale devices and more. We like this offering because it keeps the needs of businesses and consumers in mind while promoting a touch-free dispensary experience.

Keep your practice optimized like these companies with our ebook: Building an Adaptable Eyecare Practice.
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