Using the Enneagram Personality Test in Your Optometry Practice

Making personal connections, interacting with a team, and keeping motivated at work can mean very different things for different people. Each personality test is useful for highlighting different parts of your employees' way of thinking and functioning. 

The ancient enneagram assessment is more about individuals' emotions and self perception. The test divides people into 9 categories based on how they interact within society and how they fuel their internal self. 

Keep reading to see how you can boost your staff productivity using the Enneagram test.

Harness Your Enneagram Type in Eyecare Practices

testingWe suggest you take the enneagram quiz for free at this website to determine your personality and read about each type. You should be able to discern how the different types interact within the workplace. We'll go over the best working conditions for each personality type below:

Type 1: The Reformer

When you think of a staff member who always digs into a problem, thrives on detail, and doesn't stop until they find a solution, you might have a Type One on your team. The biggest productivity stopper for them can be their perfectionism. Make sure you have regular check-ins to keep projects moving along and silence the voice of their inner critic. Non-negotiable deadlines help, too.

Type 2: The Helper

Someone whose main goal in life is to give more than take can be a great team player, last-minute request filler, and confidante. However, Type Twos can also lose track of their personal responsibilities and projects if they get caught up doing small tasks for the rest of the team. Make sure there is a strict process for handing off responsibility and that all requests go through the office manager or OD, that way you're aware of everyone's to-do list.

Type 3: The Achiever

For a worker whose goal-motivated energy and competitive spirit knows no bounds, it's most important to set boundaries. The best way to avoid burning out and keeping creativity flowing for high-achieving employees is to make sure they're delegating tasks and not working overtime too often. This way, they'll be forced to concentrate on the tasks they can only accomplish during work hours without losing momentum. 

Type 4: The Individualist

Although these staff members can come off as moody, they can be highly creative and productive when given the right environment. Make sure there is purpose and meaning behind every task. Tie everyday tasks and administrative work to overarching individual goals, team goals, and practice goals. This can help remind Type Fours why they do the work. Also, host marketing campaign brainstorming sessions to keep them inspired throughout slower months.

Type 5: The Investigator

Type Fives can get lost in the planning, research, and background work before actually taking action. If your employee is struggling to check tasks off their list, they might want to work in time blocks. For example, they could respond to overnight patient emails and appointment requests from 9am-10am and then clean equipment from 10am-10:30am. The structure of their day will stop them from getting caught up in just long-term analysis.

Type 6: The Loyalist

Sixes prioritize safety and rarely take risks. While this is good for everyday tasks in your practice, it can be a stopper for long-term growth. Give them all the details, instructions, expectations, and lay out possible consequences of each new project. They'll appreciate your thoroughness and will built trust with the team if they feel they can control the outcome of what they're doing. Make sure Type Sixes have clear goals, tasks, and regular checkpoints.

Type 7: The Enthusiast

Sevens are enthusiastic, ambitious, and usually happy to collaborate and be busy. However, they can also be quick to change tasks when they lose interest. That's why they might need to get creative with more mundane tasks, organize their time so they're switching from task to task, and keep their mind stimulated without burning out.

Type 8: The Challenger

Type Eights are usually not just followers; they like to be in charge of a team and solve problems. If they understand what they're working towards, they can be effective in getting everyone behind their solution. These employees can be useful in when your practice is going through change in process, adopting new software, or undergoing managerial changes. Make Eights your change managers and collaborators so that they can delegate tasks to your employees.

Type 9: The Peacemaker

Nines have a tendency to get caught up in building personal relationships, resolving conflicts, and thinking ahead. They're not usually the best with meeting deadlines, but they could be effective opticians or front desk staff. Put type nines in a role that is customer-facing, give them routine tasks that involve other staff members, and check in to make sure they're enjoying their work and coworker dynamic. 

To deeper analyze your staff management skills, download our ebook.


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