How to Survive Working through the Holidays

It’s finally the holiday season! While many of us will be enjoying a short break between Christmas and New Year’s, a few of us might find ourselves stuck working through the holidays. Womp womp… Whether you ran out of vacation days, or are just too swamped with work to take a break, we know that it can be demoralizing to work through the holidays. That’s why today, we’ll show you the expectations and realities of working through this festive season and how to survive working through it!  

Optometry Blog: Working Through the Holidays - Expectations Vs. Reality 

Expectation: Being really bored at work


It’s the time of year when everyone’s out and maybe your work bff won’t be there to keep you going on those long, rough days. It can get really boring being the only person left in the office.

Reality: Things can get hectic with the end of year traffic


The end of the year also means that it’s the last chance for your patients to use their insurance benefits. You might experience an end of year rush with patients trying to get a new prescription or buying a second pair of frames. You might be kept busy after all!

Expectation: Listening to the same Christmas music over and over again


We’ve had the same Christmas music for decades now. We hear it in the malls, doctor’s office, on the radio, and even while we’re at grocery stores! There’s no escaping it!

Reality: Take charge this year and put on an alternative winter playlist


Whether you’re just sick of listening to the same Christmas music, or want to avoid the controversy of celebrating the holidays religiously in your practice, build your own playlist to use in your practice this year. Too lazy to make one? Use ours!  

Expectation: Slacking away and counting down to the time you get to leave


Business could very well be slow this season even though you’re expecting an end-of-year crowd. Time may feel like it’s passing by slowing and it would be a very easy to slack off! We know how you feel!

Reality: Using free time to get ahead of the game


Look at the bright side! This would be the perfect time to work on tasks that you usually can’t with co-workers and patients in the practice. Try cleaning out your emails or organizing your desk. You’ll have a clean start for the New Year!

Expectation: Working through the holidays


The holidays fall on very awkward days this year. Both Christmas and New Year day falls on Thursday, which means that most of us have to return to work on Friday!   

Reality: Not on Christmas and New Year’s!


Again, look at the bright side! We’re not really working through the holidays. We get two breaks in two weeks. So whatever you celebrate this holiday season, you still have time off of work!

You can get by with help from an expert staff. Read our ebook on improving your management skills.


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