Optical Marketing: Creating a Facebook Strategy with a $25 Budget

As the owner of a small business you might not have the biggest optical marketing budget to spend on advertising through your social media channels. And that's ok! Even with a small budget, like $25 a month, you can still get valuable results from promoting content on social media. Today, we are going to look specifically at what you can do with as little as $25 on Facebook.

You've probably noticed that without spending any money on Facebook your posts are only being seen by a small percentage of your followers. Being able to invest even just small amounts of money here and there will help you get a much more significant reach. And, with a monthly budget of $25, you can probably stretch that money out across a few different campaigns.

Optical Marketing Tips on a $25 Monthly Facebook Budget

Choose Wisely

When it comes to advertising on Facebook there are a lot of options. It's a good idea to first decide what exactly you're looking to get from your $25 each month. Do you want to gain more page likes, get a greater reach on your content, or send people to your website? We think it's a good idea to focus on one specific goal each month.optical marketing budget

Once you decide on the goal you'd like to aim for, take time in coming up with the right copy and images to use for the campaign. While design and copywriting might not be up your alley, there are plenty of design resources, like Canva, that can help you create powerful images for your campaign. 

Better yet, you can take the extra step and run an A/B test on your campaign (create two ads with one differentiating variable so that you can better measure what your followers like and engage with), and you'll be able to make the right assumptions and adjustments for your next ad set. 

Be Specific with Your Target

One great thing about Facebook advertising is that you can get really specific with your audience. You can target across a variety of things like friends of people who like your page, people with certain interests who live within a certain location, or by uploading your own custom audience of email contacts. This is a great way to ensure that you aren't just throwing away your money on an audience that isn't relevant to your practice. 

Analyze the Results

To get the most bang for your buck it's important to pay attention to the analytics once your campaign is complete. Once you've ran a few different campaigns you'll be able to compare results and see what is performing better, and where you should focus your attention moving forward. When you're working with a small budget, understanding what makes your campaign successful will help you make better spending decisions. Depending on the type of ad you were running, some important metrics to look at might include organic vs. paid reach, engagement, new followers, and click through rates.

Measure more important metrics in your practice with our ebook.


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