Best Practices for Optometry Patient Education

Patient education doesn't have to begin when the patient reaches the exam room. You can utilize emails, newsletters, bulletin boards, video, and visuals to help you explain diagnoses after their visit.

Do your patients ever call your front desk to clarify a diagnosis or treatment plan? In order to make sure your patients fully understand their eye health, you'll want to utilize learning tools and teaching techniques that fit their needs. 

In our Optometry Software Playbook for Running A Modern Practice, we'll show you techniques for educating your patients that you might not have tried yet.

Reduce Diagnosis Anxiety Through Patient Education

Patient Education BlogWe encourage you to think outside the box (and exam room!) when exploring creative methods to get your diagnosis through to patients. Using internet-based education tools in your optometric practice, you can help the patient learn and retain information about their diagnosis and treatment, set realistic treatment expectations, reduce patient calls to the front desk for questions and clarification, and provide on-demand access to resources the patient can review when they need to.

In our ebook, we'll show you how to execute these 4 tactics of patient education:

  • Understand Learning Styles
  • Have the Patients Teach You
  • Leverage Technology
  • Include the Family


Download the free ebook today for valuable insight into running a modern practice. 

Download the "Optometry Software Playbook For Running A Modern Practice" ebook.

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