What It's Like Working on Halloween In Your Eyecare Practice

This year Halloween falls on a Saturday, but chances are that in your eyecare practice you'll be celebrating Halloween in the office on Friday. Halloween can be a funny holiday for adults. Some people get really into the spirit, while others blow it off. In your eyecare practice since you're seeing patients all day it's likely that you'll be expected to participate in the holiday in some way whether you're dressing up, handing out candy to patients, decorating the office, or bringing in a treat for the team. There is almost no way to avoid Halloween in the office.

We thought that it'd be fun to walk through a typical day of working on Halloween and everything leading up to it that gets your practice ready to trick or treat your patients.

An Attempt at Getting Through Halloween Alive in Your Eyecare Practice

1. You waste way too much time agonizing over a costume.

eyecare practice halloween

For whatever reason, Halloween as adults can be awkward, especially when it comes to dressing up. In some people's eyes trying too hard on your costume can make you look like a dork, but on the other hand if you don't try hard enough people will give you a hard time. It's not easy coming up with that clever, but easy, costume idea that people will love.

2. But alas, you have completed the perfect costume idea and you just know it's going to be the best in the office.

optical practice halloween

After all of the agonizing you come up with a costume that you know in your heart everyone will love, and it will be the best in the office. But really, the moment you step into work you'll see three other costumes that are just as good as yours.

3. Whoops, you've got to get gas on your way to work, this is going to be awkward in your costume.

halloween in eyecare

Going anywhere alone in your costume is embarassing. You need at least one other costume-clad professional with you to not be emarassed in public!

4. As if stepping out for gas wasn't bad enough, now is the moment of truth as you step into the office a little bit embarassed.

eye care pratice halloween costume

You just have to do it; rip that band-aid off and get into work!

5. And as soon as you walk in and see the rest of your team's costumes you get a little excited for the day.

eyecare practice teamwork

Days like today you're reminded of how awesome the people are that you get to work with in your office. A great team in the practice makes work feel a lot less like work.

6. You're also a little embarassed that your Pinterest-inspired treat that you worked on for hours didn't quite turn out like it was supposed to.

optical practice halloween decorations

Don't worry, I'm sure they still taste good, right?

7. Lunch time rolls around in the office and you're already dying to get out of your costume.

celebrate halloween in eye care

The chances that you are wearing a costume that is both cute, scary, clever, and comfortable is one in a million. So if you aren't dying to get out of your costume by noon, we salute you.

8. And finally, when it's time to go home you're way to excited to get out of there because you've had way too much candy and treats for one day. You're excited that Halloween only comes around once a year.

eyecare practice

Happy Halloween from all of us here at VisionWeb!

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