What To Ask Before Upgrading Your Optometry Software

Switching the technology that your optometric practice uses on a daily basis can seem like a complicated, nerve-wracking endeavor. For this reason, many practices avoid upgrading their technology for fear of it being too complicated to onboard, too hard to learn, and too much resistance from your optometric staff. But, a change to your optometry software will be good for your staff, your patients, and your practice.

Before you write-off upgrading your optometry software, ask yourself these three questions to see if it’s truly time to upgrade your technology.

3 Questions To Ask Before Upgrading Optometry Software

How Much Time Could You Save?3 questions you should ask before upgrading your optometry software.

In optometry, timing is everything. You and your practice need to optimize the time you have with a patient so that they are moved through your practice more efficiently while increasing the quality of care you administer. However, if your current optometry software crashes for multiple hours or is a click-heavy solution that causes you to bounce between browser windows and applications, then you’re not making the best use of your patient’s time.

Think about how much time you can save by using modern optometry software in your optometric practice. As you demo solutions, keep an eye on how many clicks it takes to document an exam in the new solution compared to your current software.

Is Your Practice Growing?

Whether you’re planning on hiring more employees or you want to add another location, practice growth could be another driver behind your need for an optometry software upgrade. As your practice grows, you have to look at the solutions that you use in your practice and decide if they can scale with your practice. If you doubt your optometry software’s ability to scale to meet the needs of your growing practice, then you should consider looking for alternate solutions that will carry your practice into the future.

Does Your Current Solution Include Handcrafted Integrations?

When you started your practice, you may have brought on technology piece by piece and used a tech-savvy resource to cobble together connections as you brought new solutons in. However, when updates are available for your optometry software, it may break the handcrafted connections; impacting your practice’s ability to properly treat patients.

Optometry software that’s designed to work with your devices and comes embedded with all of the software features you need to run your optometric practice will take the fear out of updating your software and streamline your office workflow.

To assess your practice’s need to upgrade your optometry software and to discover best practices for doing it efficiently, download out ebook, The Complete Guide On Upgrading To Modern Optometry Software.

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