10 Tips From Across the Web for Attending an Optical Industry Tradeshow

Whether you're an exhibitor or attendee, tradeshows can be a whirlwind experience. Getting yourself prepared for the trip ahead of time will help you get the best possible return on attending the event, but going at it blind could end up being a big waste of your time. We searched the web for the best advice we could find for preparing yourself for your next optical industry tradeshow.

We're going to be at Optometry's Meeting in Boston as the end of the month and we'd love to see you there! Stop by our booth, #939, to say hi and see how our practice management and EHR software, Uprise, will help streamline your entire practice.

10 Tips for Making the Most Out of The Next Optical Industry Event

"Avoid approaching booths when they are packed.
If you approach when it's busy, the chances of you optical industrygetting in to the right person are slim. Plan on hitting most booths on the second day for that reason. But, don't wait until the end of the third day because some companies or staff may have taken off by then." 


"Schedule meetings. Reach out to industry experts, vendors, and conference organizers in advance. Introduce yourself and ask them for a few minutes of their time while you're at the conference. Sending out an email and a LinkedIn message at the same time gets the highest response rates. Before sending out cold emails, check LinkedIn for mutual contacts who may be able to introduce you. And, write concise messages (five sentences max)!"


"Get a map of the show floor. Almost every tradeshow offers a map ahead of time so that you can plan out where each vendor you want to see is at for the most efficient plan throughout your day at the show."


"Eat a big healthy breakfast. If you're not a breakfast person, a tradeshow might be the time to pick up this morning habit. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it prepares your body for the long day ahead. Fill up with a nutrient rich, high protein meal and avoid sugary treats that can lead to a dreaded sugar crash."

-Frames Data

"PIck up a copy of every piece of literature that is available."


"Come with questions. This is your time to learn. Exhibitors are sending their best team to meet with customers face to face to make connections and build relationships."


"Don't waste the information gathered at the show, follow it up. I dare anyone to admit they haven't returned from a tradeshow with a carrier bag full of brochures and pockets full of business cards that never see the light of day again. Don't waste these snippets of information; share them with your staff."


"Attend presentations. It's easy to blow these off, but educating yourself on your industry and competition is key."


"Leave the show about 30 minutes before closing. This will help you avoid long lines for buses and cabs."


"Enjoy yourself. Yes, you're there to do business, but who says you can't combine business and fun? Participate in social happenings. They're a great opportunity to meet other partners. Who knows, maybe someone will recommend a great vendor you might have overlooked!"


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