4 Common Staff Management Problems and Solutions for Your Optical Practice


Staff management comes up time and time again as one of the biggest obstacles facing many eyecare practices. Whether you're having trouble with high turnover, can't seem to get your team motivated, or have a hard time throughout the hiring process, staff issues can prevent you from focusing on the rest of your practice and patient care.

Today, we want to provide you with the right resource to help your optical practice overcome its biggest staff management challenges. Let us know what your biggest staff challenge is in the comments below.

4 Solutions for Tough Staff Management Obstacles

If you're having a hard time hanging on to employees:Screen Shot 2019-12-26 at 2.28.25 PM

Read This: How to Welcome New Staff into Your Practice with Open Arms

If you deal with high turnover, like many practices do, welcoming new staff is something that can be key to encourage staff to stick around. These 6 tips will help your newest employees feel like an integral part of your practice from day one.

If you don't know how to motivate your team:

Read This: Optometry Office Management Tips for Keeping Staff on Track

Keeping staff motivation high, especially during slow times of the year, can be challenging. If your staff isn't motivated, your profits could be taking a hit. There could be a couple of different reasons why your team isn't feeling extra motivated. Find out what you can do to help get everyone in your practice.

If you want ideas for questions to ask in your next interview:

Read This: 12 Interview Questions to Ask Your Next Optical Practice Candidates

Interviewing candidates for roles in your practice is a critical part of hiring the right employee for the job. We've compiled a list of 12 questions that we think will give you great insight into whether an applicant will make a good employee in your practice.

If you need help writing job descriptions:

Read This: What to Look for When Hiring for Every Position in Your Practice

Writing a good job description will help bring in the best candidates and align your expectations for the role. If you write generic or boring descriptions, chances are you might not be finding the people with the right experience or best qualifications. We put together a full list of some of the skills you should be hiring for each position in your practice. 

All our top tips for staff management can be found in our Ebook: Expert Staff Management in Eyecare.


Editor's Note: This post was originally published on June 2016. It has been updated for relevance and richness of content on December 2019.

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