7 Bad Manager Habits that Can Destroy Your Optical Practice Team

In any small business, including your eyecare practice, managers have to manage day-to-day tasks and lead their team to success. Managing a team requires much more effort and time than just giving direction and holding meetings.

Leaders of organizations must communicate effectively and create an environment that fosters motivation and engagement throughout the officeBut oftentimes, finding the right management style for your practice can be harder than you'd think. We've got a list of 7 bad habits that a manager in your optical practice could be displaying that ultimately hurt your entire team and office culture. Do you find yourself guilty of these habits? Read on.

Eliminate Bad Manager Habits From Your Optical Practice Today

Ignoring RecognitionBad Manager Habits blog

Let's face it, everyone likes to receive some type of recognition on a job well done. In fact, 69% of employees said they would work harder if they felt their efforts were better appreciated. Making employee recognition part of your regular routine is as easy as developing an employee of the month award or writing simple thank you notes when a team member goes above and beyond the normal scope of their role.

Ignoring Non-Performers

Just as much as employees like to be recognized, they don't like to see poor performing team members sneak by doing the bare minimum. As an optical practice manager, it's your job to check in on everyone's performance and reward the right people, while also motivating and meeting with those who aren't performing up to expectations.

Being a Know-It-All

It's important that you and the members of your staff work as a team. Each of you are experts in your different roles and should respect each other's knowledge and opinions. In fact, if you start treating your staff like experts in their roles, your patients might have a better experience with your entire team and start building more trust with everyone in your office. 

Micro Managing

Most employees don't like feeling as if their boss is always hunched over their shoulder. Micro managers need to have control over every single aspect of their work for fear of team members making mistakes. If your staff is feeling like they are being micro managed, they are likely going to be less confident in themselves, frustrated by your managing habits, and more likely to leave the practice. Your team should feel comfortable and confident in the roles that they are in. 

Expecting Employees to Read Your Mind

Communication is key for anyone managing people. It's much easier to get the job done right if expectations and direction are communicated clearly from the start. The more you communicate, the more you will get to know each other as co-workers and people, and that will only help your teamwork and office environment. Set quarterly goals for your staff to ensure everyone is on the same page and knows how their performance is being measured.

Being Resistant to Change

Part of being a good manager is making sure that your team has all the resources they need in order to do their job efficiently. If you're a manager that's stuck in a routine, you might not be making things as easy as possible for your staff. Resisting change can slow down processes, decrease team morale, and ultimately be making some employees unhappy in their day-to-day. Be open to new ideas and changes that could make a difference in the way you practice. It's a good idea to have monthly team meetings where everyone brainstorms ways to improve processes, technology, and organization in your practice.

Lacking Motivation

A big part of any manager's job is keeping the team motivated, especially during the slow times. As a manager, you should be focused on the goals of your business and the individuals of your team. This helps keep everyone working towards the same thing while enhancing teamwork and collaboration. Keep everyone's motivation up with post-work happy hour, team lunches, and other small events that can improve interpersonal relationships and give everyone a much-needed break.

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Editor's Note: This post was originally published on October 26th, 2016. It has been updated for relevance and richness of content on August 29th, 2018.
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