4 Reasons Your Labs Prefer Online Ophthalmic Product Ordering

Optical laboratories receive product orders all day long, and it can be time consuming for them to sort through orders that come in through all the various channels. Plus, orders sent in via phone and fax can cause slow downs in the fulfillment process within the lab. Online orders received by the lab create the most efficient process that enables them to get orders back to their customers as quick as possible. Not only do online orders streamline the ordering process for labs, but it can also streamline ordering for you and your practice. Read on, and find out exactly why labs love receiving online orders.

1. Ophthalmic Product Orders Placed Online with VisionWeb are Sent Straight to Their Lab Management System

When labs receive orders from eyecare practices online, the orders are sent straight into their lab management system, jumping ahead of orders placed via phone or fax. This streamlines the lab's workflow and allows them to process more orders in a shorter amount of time. Ultimately, getting the products back to your customers as quickly as possible!

2. There is Less Chance for Errorefficiency

When orders are placed via phone or fax there is a much greater chance for error. These orders have to be re-keyed in order to be entered into the lab's management system. And trying to decipher an order that has been placed via fax can sometimes be tricky. The process of reading and re-keying information is inefficient and time consuming for labs. It can also be time consuming for you if the lab has to call and ask questions about an order they can't read! Orders placed online have a quicker turnaround time because of built in automated error checking features, that save everyone time!

3. They Have Happier Customers (You!) Because Their Orders are Received Faster

Online ophthalmic product ordering creates less unnecessary interaction between the labs and eyecare practices. Orders are processed smoothly and without the added work of data entry. Other methods, like phone and fax, slow down orders and result in patients getting their orders later. In fact, our users say that their orders are returned to them a full 1-2 days faster than orders placed via phone or fax!

4. Eyecare Practices Can't Place Orders That Can't be Made

Each lab has control over their online product catalog. So using an online ordering solution to place your ophthalmic product orders doesn't allow you to place orders to a lab that they can't make, ensuring that all orders placed are correct. There is also a special notes section that gives you flexibility to provide special instructions for each order. And even better yet, VisionWeb integrates with Practice Management Systems allowing you to place your orders directly through your management system without re-keying information. This gives employees at your practice more time to spend with patients!

Placing your product orders online helps keep you, your labs, and your customers happy. Now that is something to get excited about!

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