7 Eyecare Practice Resources You Don't Want to Miss! [Infographics]

The Fun Resources Behind Effective Eyecare Practice Management

We all know how dull it can be reading the same dreary black words on a white paper page after page after page. How boring! We’ve compiled recaps of our favorite infographics and tips for ECPs on making your own infographics to use as optical resources for your own patients! These colorful and useful eyecare practice resources ultimately make managing different facets of your practice a breeze.

Eyecare Practice Resources


1. The Different Mindsets of a Tradeshow Attendee 

Your business is flourishing, but it’s time to set aside your role as an eye care provider and make your way to a tradeshow! Making the most of a tradeshow is definitely an important eye care practice resource because these shows contain a wealth of knowledge and are pretty darn fun!

With Vision Expo East coming up in a month, find out how to make the most of your tradeshow visit by finding out what kind of attendee you are! Or if you are an exhibitor, like us, find out which kind of attendees you might see stopping by at your booth! Are you a Scholar, Explorer, Detective, Shopper, Fashionista, Pillager, Social Butterfly, or Judge? The results may surprise you!

2. Influential Women in Optical

    Did you know that 38 percent of ODs in the US are women? Or that 67 percent of graduating ODs in 2010 were female? The growing number of women in the eyecare industry is very exciting; however, there is still room for more progress! Knowing the roles women play as well as the trials they face is an essential eyecare practice resource.  Through knowledge, women will undoubtedly soar to new heights!

    3. The Truth About Online Services & Eye Care Practices 

    You have all the bells and whistles, but where do you go from there? The internet is completely at your disposal! What can your practice gain from going online? See the honest opinions about online practices, and learn how other eye care providers utilize the internet.

    4. Ornithological Guide to an Optical Customer

    When it comes to customers, you’ve experienced them all: the good, the bad, and the ugly.  But, just like family you gotta love ‘em all! Admit it. They make your days so much more interesting! To help manage any office gossip, we’ve created a resource that matches the stereotypical customers with their bird counterparts. Are you ready for some bird watching? Let the fun begin!

    5. Eyecare Practice Social Media Report Card

    Grandpa always told you how back in his day he walked to and from school uphill both ways, and in the freezing snow. Well, times have changed. Children now can ride a bus to school. The way companies market their businesses has also changed with the times. Social Media is now an integral eye care practice resource that can boost the image of your company. But how effectively are you utilizing this tool? Find out if you are a social savant amongst the crowd or a lurker behind the scenes!

    6. Lifecycle of a Claim

      In order to effectively manage your eye care practice, knowing the inner workings of the processes is a valuable eyecare practice resource and can be useful when making decisions to help streamline your practice. This infographic illustrates the path of a claim when it is processed electronically. Are electronic claims processing services right for you? 

      7. Top Tools For Making Incredible Infographics

      By now, you can see how enjoyable and informative infographics can be! They are a great resource for your patients, friends, family, followers, and networkers. Who wouldn’t want to read these exciting visual images of data? If you enjoyed the infographics above, learn more about the top tools for creating your own incredible infographics!

      Here are some FREE tools to help you get started!

      Like what you see? Follow us on Twitter to see more infographics. We love to share them when we see them!
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