Grow Your Eyecare Practice Efficiency This Spring

Can you feel it? Spring is in full bloom! The cold winter may have slowed you down for a bit, but it’s time to energize your practice with some spring cleaning. When we say, "spring cleaning," we're not necessarily referring to the aesthetics of your eyecare practice but rather, what's happening in terms of your eyecare practice efficiency.

Is your inventory up to date? What's your social media strategy like? How are you attaining new patients? These are common questions eyecare practices ask themselves each new season, which is why we came up with 4 important steps towards growing eyecare practice efficiency this spring. 

Grow Eyecare Practice Efficiency This Spring By Taking Out the Trash with Online Lab OrderingiStock-1214070490

No one likes paperwork and when you’re trying to clean up the office, excess amounts of paper can make the job even more difficult. That’s why we recommend cutting down on the trash by ordering your ophthalmic products online.

Not only does ordering products online reduce the amount of paper in your office, but it also gives you added efficiency resources like the ability to order from all of your laboratories from one website or having your orders error checked before being submitted to the lab. And if that isn’t enough, you can even integrate your practice management system with VisionWeb to avoid duplicate data entry and calls to the labs.  

Replanting Your Inventory Garden

Once you’ve cleaned up all the paper in your practice, it’s time to start thinking about growing your inventory garden. Just like any good garden, your inventory should include a good amount of variety and have plenty of choices for everyone.

Choosing the right frames is the main concern for patients looking to buy new frames. People are most concerned with the shape, size, color, and design of the frames. We also learned that patients found magazines helpful when researching frames, and many practices provide frames to their employees to serve as in-store representation. So before you buy the next batch of inventory, look through magazines for the latest style guides and trends and try ordering a few frames for your staff to wear and gauge its popularity among your patients. And remember, everyone's style preferences vary so it's probably a good idea to get input from several different employees before purchasing new inventory for your practice!

Making Your Petals Bright in Social Media

In the wild, there is always one flower that shines brighter and bolder than all the rest. Social media is your chance to shine brighter than the rest. In today's world, it’s all about the internet and social media, and your petals will wilt without a good social media strategy for your eyecare practice.

Keeping your pages fresh and interesting will keep your patients’ attention and help drive business by showing them your practice’s unique personality. Social media pages are customizable to you, so use that opportunity to stand out and get the bees buzzing. 

Nurturing the New Buds

It is important to get new staff up to speed as fast as possible and keep experienced staff brushed up on all of their skills. Make sure your staff is well-trained and feel confident in their roles in responsibilities. This way, your staff will do their part in helping your eyecare practice run efficiently.

For more resources on how to train your staff, view our Staff Management eBook:


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