Marketing for Optometrists: Little Free Libraries

We may be a little late for Read A Book Day, but as they say, better late than never! Today, the Optical Vision Site would like to raise awareness of the cause as well as give you a little marketing tip for your practice! See what they have to say! 

In honor of Read A Book Day on September 6, we are doing this post on one of the greatest gifts that eyecare professionals have to give: The Gift of Sight! And one of the many uses of sight is the ability to read books. Many, including myself, wouldn't know what they would do if there weren't books to read. And I'm not talking about reading from your Kindle or iPad. I mean reading just from nice, bulky books with no glare, and no batteries. Which is why I am writing this post.

marketing for optometrist

We all know about Facebook, networking, advertising, and managed health care plans as ways to get people in the door. Another way that is unique to eyecare professionals is to set up a Little Free Library outside (or inside) your office. Wouldn’t it be great to have a worldwide consortium of eyecare professionals with mini bookstores outside their office?

The concept of mini bookstores is sweeping across the world and is called Little Free Libraries . They are exactly what they say, small FREE libraries, where people can pick up or drop off a book. You officially sign up at Little Free Libraries and they send you a plaque.

There are many ways to work it. You can specialize in different types of books, including mystery, kids, or even just optical books. You can also have book drives as special promotions. Try working with the local library!

The brand building would be endless! You could have a library that looks like your office or even shaped like an eye or pair of sunglasses! 

marketing for optometrist tips

marketing for optometrists

Marketing for optometrist advice

Marketing for Eye care practices

Marketing for Eyecare practices

As you can see, some are elaborate and others are from an old wood crate. You can be as creative as you want. To get ideas just Google, Bing, or Yahoo "Little Free Libraries" and hit the images.

As of January 2013, there are between 5,000 to 6,000 Little Libraries worldwide. An estimated 1,650,000 books were donated and borrowed from 2010-2013. That is a lot of books and a lot of happy readers.

I am putting one up for my neighbors made from driftwood and other scraps of wood I have lying around and I can’t wait to share the photos when it’s done.

That said, right now I am reading: How To Cook a Tapir by Joan Fry, and highly recommend it.

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