Fall is finally in the air, and that can only mean two things – football season and change. With all these predictions floating around about the NFL and college football, we decided to make our own list of predictions for the future of eyecare practice management software!
1. An Increase in Cloud-Based Technology
Cloud-based technology is already making its way into optometric offices all over the country. With such a tight-knit optometric society, it’s only a matter of time before the word spreads about all the positive attributes the cloud carries. Since the cloud doesn’t require initial hardware or maintenance fees, you’ll be able to save money and time! The best part is that almost all cloud-based solutions are month-to-month contracts, so if you don’t like it (which we doubt will be the case), you can always go back to a traditional system.
2. The Use of Tablets in Practices
Pretty soon, optometrists will be saying goodbye to traditional desktops and hello to easy-to-use, portable tablets. If you don’t know what a tablet is, it’s essentially a handheld computer that is roughly the size and weight of a magazine. The tablet is perfect for practices that use cloud-based technology. With its portability, ODs will be able to carry the tablet with them from appointment to appointment and room to room, thus ensuring the security of patient information and cutting down the time it takes for exams, while increasing the number of patients you can see in a day!
3. The Importance of Participating in Meaningful Use
The importance of being meaningful use compliant is already gaining ground in the optical industry. Meaningful Use prompts physicians to quit the traditional paper charts for the easier and more secure method of electronic health records (EHR). Not only does this go along with the green movement, but it also entices physicians with hefty monetary benefits for implementing EHR systems.
4. Patient Demand for Online Patient Portals
Even though it may seem like the eyecare industry remains pretty stagnant, that doesn’t mean it has to stay that way. With new technology breaking into the office, you’ll be surprised to see what’s in store for the next few years! Patient portals allow patients to request appointments, review prescriptions and treatment instructions, and have access to referrals provided by their physicians. On top of this, they even have access to learning material to help them better understand symptoms and treatments! Because patient portals allow patients to become more involved with the doctor's office, as soon as word gets out about this, it will surely be in high demand.
Fortunately, we won't have to wait, because the future of eyecare practice management is here! Uprise is a cloud-based practice management system that comes equipped with a patient portal and is certified for Stage 2 Meaningful Use! Want to take your practice to the new level? Check out Uprise!