Optical Dispensing: Expectations vs. Reality of Owning a Practice

For all of you practice owners out there, we realize your job isn't easy. And sometimes being your own boss isn't all that it's cracked up to be. Managing the business side of things on top of seeing patients everyday can be a lot to handle. Or maybe you're in the group of optometrists considering opening up their own practice. Well, we thought that it would be a fun break to take a look at the expectations vs. realities of optical dispensing and owning your own practice!

Optical Dispensing Expectations vs. Reality:
Owning Your Own Practice

Expectation: You get to be your own boss.

optical dispensing

Reality: Yeah, you get to be your own boss, but you also get to be everyone else's boss too. And sometimes, more responsibility means less freedom. 

optical dispensing

Expectation: You get to create your own schedule.

optical dispensing

Reality: Your patients actually create your schedule.

optical practices

Expectation: Your budget will keep you on track.

tips for ecps

Reality: Everything is twice as expensive as you thought it would be.

optical practices

Expectation: A steady income will allow you to relax.

optical dispensing

Reality: Your income may not always be reliable and predictable.

eyecare industry

Expectation: You get to pick who you work with!

optical practices

Reality: The same people you hired and became friends with, you might have to fire.

eyecare practice

Whether you already own your own practice, or if you're thinking about opening up a practice, follow our blog to get advice and tips on everything in optical!

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