How to Become a Local Eyecare Leader

The most effective way to grow your patient base is through local outreach. When a simple postcard in the mail won't cut it, you should turn to thought leadership content and local events. Many people living within a few miles of your practice might not be aware of the benefits of visiting a nearby doctor for their annual exams.

You could establish partnerships with other small businesses, champion your charity causes (especially with Thanksgiving approaching), or boost eye health education. We'll provide a few ideas for how you can publicize your practice and become a household name in your community in this blog post.

3 Steps to Get Involved in Your Community

iStock-1128971953Charity Events

We've talked about the benefits of supporting local charities before. Not only does it show patients which causes you're dedicated to, but it gets you involved with your community. Try contacting churches, schools, and local organizations to see how you might be able to help. Help could come in the form of free eye exams, advertising, co-organizing events, running charity races as a team, or more. Having your practice's name associated with a good cause can build a positive reputation, especially with the giving spirit of the holiday season.


Having patient education videos, slides, pamphlets, and other materials within your patient portal is effective when helping individuals understand their diagnoses. You can take this a step further by spreading general eye health knowledge to help prevent or educate your community on common diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration. Start by creating short, interactive presentations on the importance of healthy eyes for elementary school children. Many schools might have health fairs or allow you to perform free eye exams for more low-income areas. You can also write articles for your local newspaper.

Small Business Groups

Networking with other local business owners can be tough. Start by visiting the businesses next door to your practice, such as barber shops or yoga studios. Once you establish a good rapport, you can cross-promote each other on bulletin boards. If your city holds small business conventions, we recommend setting up a booth there. You might run into other eyecare practices, ophthalmologists, and other eyecare professionals to add to your list of references. The connections you make not only spread the word of your practice, but help you when you're expanding and need marketing, advertising, or event assistance.

Looking for more ways to publicize your practice? We post marketing blogs almost every week here. Subscribe now.


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