Eyecare Resources During COVID-19 Crisis

With the shelter-in-place mandates due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ODs are changing the way they deliver patient care and closing their practices altogether. Information and updates are released regularly as the eyecare industry catches up with the changes. We understand that practices are under a significant amount of stress to not only stay healthy, but also to watch expenses and cash flow.

We want to make sure you have all the relevant information you need to plan, implement, and communicate changes to your patients as well as stay profitable.

Running Your Optometry Practice During the Coronavirus Pandemic


The most important first step is checking the following websites for regular updates on government mandates, payment, and options available to your practice.


You've probably already considered offering remote patient care for emergencies and established patients. If you establish that your practice has the right software and remote access tools after looking at the Medicare requirements, telehealth can be an effective way to keep your practice open. 

Billing Services

It's possible that your AR and aging were getting neglected before you reduced your office hours. With fewer patients, we encourage you to take the opportunity to take a look at your backed up claims.

As telehealth becomes a viable option for practices, Medicare and other commercial payers will reimburse for these services. With new types of exams come new exam codes, so make sure that your staff or billing department understands the revised claims process.

General Precautions & Reopening

Of course, there are steps you can take in your practice to make sure you reduce exposure for your staff. We encourage you to be as innovative as possible with what you have, but make sure no more than 2 people are in the practice at any given time.

Here are a few workflow tips while patients are in the office:

We'll continue to add to these lists as needed, so check back when you can.

If you're interested to know more about telehealth, we have compiled everything into this one page


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