How to Convince Your Patients to Order Frames from Your Optical Practice

Everyday it gets a little bit harder to compete with online retailers, even in optical. Online brands, like Warby Parker, come in at a low price point in order to lure in buyers from purchasing frames from your dispensary. And, in a recent article we found a few statistics about why consumers decide to make purchases online. 25% of respondents in a survey said that better pricing was a key factor influencing them to buy online.

So how do you compete with lower costs while still being able to make a profit in your dispensary?

Lacey Mielcarek, MS, ABOC of Media Eyeworks Ltd Optical and EyeQ Graphics shared with us a graphic that she created to help staff in her office show the value of eyewear, and to help weigh the costs of purchasing quality eyewear from their practice. If cost is such a big influencer, why not compare the cost of glasses to some of the everyday purchases that people are making. In her practice they printed out copies of this graphic and place them on each dispensing table so that customers in their shop can compare the cost of glasses to things like lunch, gas, and coffee and ultimately make the right decision to order their eyecare products from you!

Why Your Patients Should Order Frames from Your Optical Practice

Order frames from an optical practice


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