How to Learn from Your Practice's Toughest Business Mistakes

As a business owner you're going to make mistakes. But the silver lining in making mistakes is that it ultimately helps your business grow and overcome hurdles. You don't want to experience the same mistakes over and over again, but learning from failures really can be a good thing.

Today, we are going to share 4 steps to take to help you and your team overcome and learn from mistakes in your office. Going through these steps will help you avoid the same mistakes in the future and come out on the right side of failure.

4 Steps to Take After a Mistake in Your Eyecare Practice

Skip the Blame Game

After a mistake is made it's easy to react quickly and point fingers at someone responsible for the problem. Getting down to the root of why the failure happened can help you overcome the blame game. In order to be open to making effective change you need to trust everyone on your team so that improvements can be made in all corners of your business. Overcoming the mistake as a team will help everyone learn from the challenge. Next, you'll take a deep dive look into the failure. 

Analyze the Failure 

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To get started, ask yourself a series of questions to help you better understand what went wrong and how it can be resolved to not happen again in the future. 

  • What were we hoping to accomplish?
  • What was the end result?
  • What could have been done better?
  • How can we avoid this next time?
  • In what scenarios could this happen again?
  • If it does happen again, how do we handle it?

Determine a Plan of Action

Once you've had time to analyze and discuss the failure, you'll be able to create a plan of action on how to avoid the problem, and what do to if it happens again. You might find that certain patterns trigger specific events. Having this broad understanding can help you implement new rules and processes in other areas of the business to help you better control problems before they arise. 

Think Big Picture

Moving past your mistakes is an important part of the learning process. Dwelling on something for too long will only hold you back, and in the long-run many mistakes end up being not worth the time and stress that was put into them at the time. Mistakes are going to happen to everyone, and every business, but the way you handle them, learn from them, and move on will make all the difference in your results.

For more business-building tips and strategies download the ebook, 12 Insider Secrets from America's Top ODs.

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Editor's Note: This post was originally published on May 10, 2018, and updated on August 10, 2022.

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